Best garden related books

Original topic subject: Best garden related books read in 2017

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Best garden related books

Jan 8, 2018, 11:55 am

My absolute top pick is Epic Tomatoes. It was fun and informative; and though I lost my varieties notes halfway through the season, it was still a valuable practical exercise.

And though I still haven't followed through on raising bees, I really loved Top-Bar Beekeeping.

Though not strictly a garden book, I learned a lot about trees in The Hidden Life of Trees.

And in farming, I enjoyed spending time with James Rebanks in The Shepherd's Life and The Shepherd's View.

Edited: Feb 10, 2018, 2:09 pm

I only read one, but it was quite good: Complete Guide to Water Gardens: Ponds, Fountains, Waterfalls, Streams by Kathleen Fisher. I used a lot of the information from that book during my new pond's planning stages and installation process.

Feb 19, 8:20 am

I’ve updated the title of the thread so as to allow its continuance.

I’m wrestling with The Right-Size Flower Garden. Mendez wrote this after her husband suffered a broken back. She had to reevaluate the time her yard demanded of her.
Of course, I don’t have any need to step back from my gardens at this stage.
She does show some strategies that streamline and improve her beds - like adding features that rest the eye.
She does love hydrangeas and also uses plumbago for weed suppression, which I agree with. She complains about Siberian iris and butterfly bush, spiderworts and bee balm.
She does have some interesting suggestions on hillside and shade gardens.
She says Persian shield is an annual. I hope to challenge that. Mine is in a pot in my basement and still looks pretty good.
I’d like to check out her other books.

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