Titles Listed in Incorrect Series - Can't Fix

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Titles Listed in Incorrect Series - Can't Fix

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May 4, 2017, 10:40 pm

Hi All: many thanks to anyone who can lend a hand with this one. I recently added a vintage four-book series for girls to my shelves. The series is written by Pemberton Ginther, and is just called 'Hilda.' You can see it here:


Unfortunately, two titles from the Hildafolk graphic novel series seem to be stuck on the Hilda series page, even though I've been to the book pages for both titles, and they only show Hildafolk in the series area. I'm not sure how to fix this, how to get the Hildafolk books off the Hilda series page. Any thoughts? Perhaps something obvious (entirely possible) that I missed?

May 4, 2017, 10:43 pm

>1 AbigailAdams26:

Fixed. They were hiding under the French CK :) Don't forget that you can have different values across the languages supported by LT - if you look at the CK of https://www.librarything.com/work/14713774 , it says English (4) French (2) . That means that you can click on the French and see what is there and clean it (what I did basically).

May 4, 2017, 10:50 pm

Thank you, AnnieMod - I really appreciate the help, and will remember that (I hope!) next time.