Recommend MP3 player for listening to audiobooks while driving?


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Recommend MP3 player for listening to audiobooks while driving?

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Sep 26, 2016, 2:34 pm

I am joining the 21st century! I bought a new car that has an MP3 CD player, which I thought was good news until I saw how few MP3 CDs my library has in its catalog. The car audio system will play regular CDs as well, but since it doesn't have a CD changer, you can only put in one disc at a time.

So I am thinking about an MP3 player that I can download library digital audiobooks onto and listen in the car (plugged into the cigarette lighter or USB port, I guess.) I know nothing about them and have gotten confused when shopping. I am assuming that I should get one that is Bluetooth compatible, but can anyone recommend one that is easy to use and good for audiobooks?

I know that I can probably use my smartphone, but that definitely seems too hard.

What do you recommend?

Sep 26, 2016, 2:41 pm

I have a tiny thing that I purchased to replace one I had for years.. Did not have High Hopes but it is great! Hope it is ok to add this link. I am not advertising for Amazon but sharing the description. I have used this for the last 3 or so years - every day- in the car - outside blowing snow - at the beach and it has held up amazingly well. Good luck with your search. :) anne

Sep 26, 2016, 5:54 pm

>2 sebago:, thank you. Do you have to wear earphones with it though? I am not sure about wearing earphones while driving.

Sep 26, 2016, 7:13 pm

I believe that wearing earphones while driving is not legal in some places, e.g. Massachusetts.

Sep 26, 2016, 8:03 pm

A smartphone with Bluetooth is actually not that bad.
If you have a tablet already, with Bluetooth, that will also link nicely to most cars. Or through the Aux/USB jack in the car.

Should you chose another option, the options will depend on the size/length of books you want to listen to.

Sep 27, 2016, 12:57 pm

No this plays through the radio in my car. I have a usb port that i plug into and it plays through the stereo. I can also load books onto my phone with "Overdrive" and play them with the car's bluetooth.

Sep 27, 2016, 1:29 pm

>6 sebago:. Oh, okay, thanks. That sounds like the kind of thing I am looking for. Thanks.