Deaths in July - 2016

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Deaths in July - 2016

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Jul 2, 2016, 4:24 pm

Holocaust survivor and activist Elie Wiesel died July 2 at the age of 87. His many books include Night and Dawn.

Edited: Jul 4, 2016, 6:21 pm

Film director Robin Hardy died July 1 at the age of 86. He wrote Cowboys for Christ and The Education of Don Juan.

Edited: Jul 6, 2016, 3:52 pm

Politician and law professor Abner Mikva died July 4 at the age of 90. He wrote An Introduction to Statutory Interpretation and the Legislative Process.

French poet Yves Bonnefoy died July 1 at the age of 93. His many works include Les Planches Courbes, Giacometti and Rimbaud.

Archaeologist Beatrice de Cardi died July 5 at the age of 102. She wrote the Qatar Archaeological Report.

Jul 7, 2016, 10:42 am

Novelist Robert Nye died July 2 at the age of 77. His many books include Beowulf: A New Telling and The Late Mr. Shakespeare.

Edited: Jul 11, 2016, 10:18 am

Pakistani humanitarian and philanthropist Abdul Sattar Edhi died July 8 at the age of 88. His autobiography was called Abdul Sattar Edhi, An Autobiography: A Mirror to the Blind.

Former NY Times correspondent Sydney H. Schanberg died July 9 at the age of 82. He wrote The Death and Life of Dith Pran and Beyond the Killing Fields: War Writings.

Edited: Jul 12, 2016, 1:30 pm

Indiana Congressman John Brademas died July 11 at the age of 89. He wrote Washington, D.C. to Washington Square.

Prolific novelist Sally Beauman died July 11 at the age of 71. Her many books include Rebecca's Tale and The Sisters Mortland.

Edited: Jul 14, 2016, 9:54 pm

Prof. William H. McNeill died July 8 at the age of 98. His many books include Plagues and People and Rise of the West.

Mathematician and economics professor Howard Raiffa died July 8 at the age of 92. His books included The Art and Science of Negotiation and Decision Analysis.

Jul 18, 2016, 8:43 am

Episcopal Bishop Edmond L. Browning died July 11 at the age of 87. He wrote A Year of Days with the Book of Common Prayer.

New Yorker cartoonist Michael Crawford died July 12 at the age of 70. He was co-editor of The New Yorker Book of Baseball Cartoons.

Edited: Jul 20, 2016, 1:19 pm

Cultural critic John Gruen died July 19 at the age of 89. His books include Keith Haring: The Authorized Biography and The New Bohemia.

Film director Garry Marshall died July 19 at the age of 81. He wrote My happy Days in Hollywood: A Memoir.

Novelist Carolyn See died July 13 at the age of 82. Her books include Golden Days, Making a Literary Life and The Handyman.

Children's author Helen Bailey had been missing for some months and her body was found on July 15. She was 51. Her books include Life at the Shallow End and Taking the Plunge.

Accountant and animal lover Les Stocker died July 16 at the age of 73. He was founder of the animal wildlife sanctuary St. Tiggywinkles. His books include The Complete Hedgehog and Practical Wildlife Care.

Photographer Billy Name died July 18 at the age of 76. His work can be seen in All Tomorrow's parties and Bande a part: New York Underground.

Jul 21, 2016, 1:54 pm

Socialite Betsy Bloomingdale died July 19 at the age of 93. She wrote Entertaining With Betsy Bloomingdale.

Jul 22, 2016, 9:13 am

Economist Karl E. Case died July 15 at the age of 69. He wrote Principles of Macroeconomics.

Jul 25, 2016, 9:26 am

Marni Nixon was the real vocalist behind the actresses in many Hollywood classics. She died July 24 at the age of 86. Her memoir was called I Could Have Sung All Night: My Story.

Edited: Jul 26, 2016, 11:35 am

Tim LaHaye author of the cultish Left Behind series died July 25 at the age of 90.

Health care campaigner Dr. Kate Granger died July 23 at the age of 34. She wrote The Bright Side and The Other Side.

Edited: Jul 28, 2016, 1:31 pm

Pulitzer Prize winning author James Alan McPherson died July 27 at the age of 72. His works include Elbow Room, Crabcakes: A Memoir and Hue and Cry: Stories.

Editor of the Catholic Herald, Gerard Noel died July 27 at the age of 89. His books include The Renaissance Popes: Statesmen, Warriors and the Great Borgia Myth and Princess Alice: Queen Victoria's Forgotten Daughter.

Bridge expert Partrick Jourdain died July 28 at the age of 73. He wrote The DailyTelegraph Easy Guide to Acol Bridge and Imagination and Technique in Bridge.

Script writer William Smethurst died July 22. He wrote The Archers, The True Story and Writing for Television: How to Write and Sell Successful Television Scripts.

Edited: Jul 29, 2016, 11:11 am

MAD Magazine's Jack Davis died July 27 at the age of 91. His books include The Art of Jack Davis and "'Taint the Meat...It's the Humanity" and Other Stories.

Finnish composer Einojuhani Rautavaara died July 27 at the age of 97. His autobiography was called Omakuva.

Edited: Aug 1, 2016, 3:17 pm

Editor John Kerr died July 18 at the age of 66. He wrote A Most Dangerous Method: The Story of Jung, Freud, and Sabina Spielrein, which was made into a most excellent play and movie.

Hungarian novelist Peter Esterhazy died July 14 at the age of 66. His many books include Celestial harmonies, She Loves Me, The Book of Hrabal and Helping Verbs of the Heart.

Garden designer Ryan Gainey died July 29 at the age of 72, while attempting to save his dogs from a fire. His books include The Well-Placed Weed: The Bountiful Garden of Ryan Gainey and The Well-Set Table.

Psychoanalyst Elizabeth Bott Spillius died July 4 at the age of 92. Her books include Melanie Klein Today, Family and Social Network and editor of Psychic Equilibrium and Psychic Change.

Edited: Aug 2, 2016, 9:02 am

Expert on technology and learning Dr. Seymour Papert died July 31 at the age of 88. His books include Mindstorms: Children, Computers and powerful Ideas and The Children's Machine: Rethinking School in the Age of the Computer.

Historian Antony Copley died July 18 at the age of 79. His books include Gandhi: Against the Tide, A Spiritual Bloomsbury and Sexual Moralities in France.

Aug 3, 2016, 3:00 pm

Astronomer Jack Meadows died July 18 at the age of 82. His many books include The Great Scientists and The Future of the Universe.

Edited: Aug 8, 2016, 1:57 pm

Wordplay contest creator Mary Ann Madden died July 26 at the age of 83. Her books include Maybe He's Dead: And Other Hilarious Results of New York Magazine competitions and Thank You for the Giant Sea Tortoise.

Chris Costner Sizemore was the Eve of Three Faces of Eve. She died July 24 at the age of 89. Her books include I'm Eve and Mind of My Own.

A man of many careers Jamie Stuart died July 28 at the age of 95. His books include A Glasgow Bible and The Glasgow Gospel.

Aug 18, 2016, 9:39 am

Writer on the history of espionage Elizabeth Sparrow died July 17 at the age of 89. Her books include Secret Service: British agents in France, Phantom of the Guillotine and The Prices of Penzance.

Aug 24, 2016, 1:34 pm

Public health researcher Peter Draper died July 30 at the age of 83. His books include Health Through Public Policy and Perspectives on Quality of Life.

Sep 23, 2016, 10:23 am

Cartoonist Frank Dickens died July 8 at the age of 84. His books include Fly Away Peter and Bristow.

Mar 30, 2017, 10:14 am

Word is just coming out of the death of William Powell on July 11 at the age of 66. He was the controversial author of The Anarchist's Cookbook.

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