Musician Autobiographies

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Musician Autobiographies

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Jan 10, 2016, 8:42 pm

Looking for recommendations of good Rock/Pop Musician Autobiographies.

I've recently read and enjoyed:
The Art Of Asking by Amanda Palmer
Unknown Pleasures by Peter Hook
A Cure For Gravity by Joe Jackson
Between A Heart and a Rock Place by Pat Benatar
Will It Be Funny Tomorrow, Billy? by Stephen Cummings

What else should I check out? Any and all suggestions appreciated.

Jan 11, 2016, 3:27 am

I've just bought myself a new copy of White Line Fever by Lemmy - I lent my copy out to someone ages ago and feel the need to read it again. ISTR it's very rock 'n' roll ;-)

Jan 13, 2016, 7:39 pm

Shamefully, Motörhead has always eluded me. I dont think I can bring a single track to mind. I should probably do something about that.

Edited: Jan 21, 2016, 5:59 pm

Last year I read Santana's autobiography, The Universal Tone: Bringing My Story to Light. Mostly I enjoyed it, though it was overlong. It suffered from the same weakness as many pop/rock musician autobiographies or fan-written biographies, what I call the "everything is equally interesting" flaw. What I mean by that is that in the professional/artistic life of most pop/rock musicians and bands, there is a peak period of major interest to the average reader, and then a post-peak period of somewhat lesser interest. But to the musician writing about his own life, or the fan writing about his favorite group, it's all of equal interest. So, for example, Santana goes into as much depth in writing about his life from, say 1990 on, as he does in writing about what most readers would consider the peak of his career, and therefore of most interest to read about. A more objective biographer would be likely to scale the depth of his/her coverage of each period to the practical interest level of the audience. Which is not to say I don't recommend the Santana book when all is said and done. I do.

I've had David Crosby's book, Long Time Gone, on my shelf for ages and keep promising myself to get to it. A personal friend of mine, who is also a longtime friend of Crosby's, recommends it. One of these days!

Jan 29, 2016, 12:58 pm

Just read Carly Simon's autobiography Boys In The Trees. This was too introspective to me and too much about her sex life and not a whole lot about the music side. This is more about her anxieties and self-worth or lack thereof. 3 stars and that was generous.

Edited: Feb 29, 2016, 11:02 pm

The original Tom Petty biography was so good that I couldn't stand him afterwards. I'm interested to see what his most recent auto is like now that he's off the horse but his previous ego had now bounds. Like, he invented rock and roll, literal ego. Was such a good read in such an irritating way. If you're into that sort of thing.

And I just looked on Amazon to make sure and I *think* it's the Conversations with Tom Petty, 2005, but I thought it was just called Tom Petty...but it had a white cover either way.

Mar 4, 2016, 4:01 pm

One Train Later by Andy Summers
Broken Music by Sting
Sting and I
Chronicles: Volume One by Bob Dylan
Eminent Hipsters by Donald Fagen

And of course, the two-volume biography of Elvis:
Careless Love
Last Train to Memphis

If you're interested in the history of recording:
Perfecting Sound Forever

Edited: Mar 15, 2016, 8:19 am

The best musician biography by far that I've ever read is Hellfire by Nick Tosches, about Jerry Lee Lewis. Rolling Stone magazine called it the best rock n' roll biography ever written. It was mesmerizing.

May 9, 2016, 2:25 pm

I can second White Line Fever as a recommendation. Also Punk Rock Blitzkrieg by Marky Ramone and Lobotomy: Surviving The Ramones by Dee Dee Ramone.

Jul 8, 2016, 11:21 am

The greatest biography for me is Hammer of the Gods by Stephen Davis - whether you love Led Zeppelin or not, it is a great story with a lot of interesting anecdotes about the whole music scene at the time and even some history on their blues influences.

I mostly enjoyed The Long Hard Road out of Hell by Marilyn Manson, which is a pretty wild ride as you'd expect, but it might not be as interesting if you aren't a fan.