The $1,500 sandwich-from-scratch guy


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The $1,500 sandwich-from-scratch guy

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Sep 23, 2015, 3:04 pm

Light-hearted lifestyle article in today's Guardian, at , subtitled:

"Andy George spent six months and $1,500 assembling one sandwich from scratch, including making his own cheese and bread and killing a chicken – and credits the process with educating him about the global food supply chain."

Video on YouTube at

One thing puzzles me: he glosses over why he picks "itch weed" (at 1:17). Is it a vegetable substitute for rennet?

Oct 17, 2015, 7:04 pm

I wonder why he didn't make mayo. All he would need is to fly to Italy and make olive oil come back to the states steal eggs and blend. Maybe add a little salt. Anyways, I would agree with you that the itch weed is for rennet. I don't see him being able to get it from a cow.

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