Out of the Flame - 1932 Honor

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Out of the Flame - 1932 Honor

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May 19, 2015, 9:17 pm

I just happened to look again at an old book I have by Eloise Lownsbery, author of an Honor Newbery in 1932, Out of the Flame. The book I have is The Boy Knight of Reims and it's one of the best books I've ever read, or read aloud. (I haven't read Out of the Flame yet). Anyway, on the copyright page it lists Eloise Lownsbery Clancy as the copyright for 1955, and Ella L. Lownsbery for the copyright of 1927.

I wonder - maybe she changed her name? From Ella Louise(?) to Eloise?

Do you recommend Out of the Flame?

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