Celebrating the winter holidays


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Celebrating the winter holidays

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Nov 9, 2014, 1:55 pm

I see at the Pro & Con group a discussion about Black Thursday, retailers opening on Thanksgiving to offer a glut of products a day before Black Friday.

My shopping is pretty much done.
I've bought wool socks and fleece lined tights for all the grown-ups.
And found a great big mansard style dollhouse for the grands at a flea-market. Price $12!
Winnowing my bookshelves for the rest of the presents.

Simple enough.
We do indulge in pretty papers to wrap the gifts.

Nov 12, 2014, 8:20 pm

2wonderY, I'm of a like mind on the holidays. So far, I bought a handful of wrapsacs on Amazon ... those are reusable cloth gift bags. Gifts: We bought several pop-up books and hardcover picture books for our extended family's little kids. We haven't decided yet what to get for the adults.

I did finally get my Fukushima article published this summer. I want to also shop it to the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists ... it includes math figures, which The Bulletin likes. Time will tell. I'll be writing more on that subject, but not with the format restrictions my magazine editor laid on me. ...would rather go to Hell for a day than jump through those hoops again.

Nov 13, 2014, 6:39 am

Congratulations on the article. Which publication is it in?

Edited: Nov 13, 2014, 3:01 pm

Lessons From Fukushima is in the Summer 2014 issue of Macrobiotics Today Magazine.
The magazine's website is: http://www.ohsawamacrobiotics.com

Nov 24, 2014, 3:15 pm

November 24, 2014: We decided to buy copies of the new 2nd edition of Radiation Protective Foods for our family's adults:


Edited: Nov 23, 2018, 4:56 pm

Thanksgiving weekend 2018: Here is a column on sustainable gifts for the Season Of Light from Jeff McMahon at Forbes magazine:


Dec 22, 2018, 3:41 pm

Dec. 22, 2018: Happy Solstice, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy New Year ... happy everything! If you need inexpensive gifts for family and friends, here are some suggestions from AARP magazine in the USA:

Signal-blocking containers can protect your modern signal-sending technology such as car key fobs, smartphones, newer US passports, and credit cards. Many people don't realize that all such items transmit data 24/7 unless those signals are blocked when the device is not in use. Signal-blocking containers include a steel box, a commercially sold Faraday bag, or a refrigerator (thank you, Snowden). Want to protect those devices while you are on the way to a store (try Fry's electronics or even a well-stocked hardware store) to buy the signal-blocking container of your choice? Wrap the device in aluminum foil ... that blocks such signals as well.

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