Birdwatching in Colombia by Jurgen Beckers & Pablo Florez

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Birdwatching in Colombia by Jurgen Beckers & Pablo Florez

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Dec 20, 2013, 6:15 am

I just received a review copy of the new "Birdwatching in Colombia" (no touchstones) by Jurgen Beckers & Pablo Florez. I am very favourably impressed by this handy, well-researched little guide, but will hope to have time to explore it more thoroughly over Christmas. It is the only guide of its type available, so a definite "must-have" for anyone contemplating a trip to the world's most species rich country (the total number of bird species recorded in Colombia recently passed 1,900).

Edited: Jul 1, 2014, 7:21 am

BirdQuest leader Pete Morris has reviewed Birdwatching in Colombia in Neotropical Birding 15, which will go to press later this month. I've added a snippet of his review to the main page.