Anne's Orange books for 2013

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Anne's Orange books for 2013

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Edited: Apr 18, 2013, 10:18 am

Just because they're changing the name doesn't mean I will stop reading Orange-nominated books or thinking of it as the Orange Prize. After all, most of those books on my shelf (see below) already say Orange on them.

In 2012 I read 17 Orange books, 2 less than in 2011 but exceeding my goal of one a month. I've been working on reading all the winners, and got to three more last year: A Spell of Winter (the first winner), Song of Achilles (the last winner), and Property which won in 2003. I was able to read all the shortlisted books for 2012, and I’ve read 6 of the longlisted books as well.

Orange Goals:
✔✔✔✔✔Read at least 12 Orange-listed books
Read all of the 2013 shortlist ✔✔___ ___ ___ ___
Read at least 2 winners from previous years (priorities are: ✔Home-Marilynne Robinson, The Road Home - Rose Tremain, We Need to Talk About Kevin - Lionel Shriver
✔✔✔___Read 4 more books off my shelves

Read in 2013
1. The Pink Hotel - Anna Stothard (2012 long list)
2. The Siege - Helen Dunmore (2002 short list)
3. Home - Marilynne Robinson (2009 Winner)
4. The Submission - Amy Waldman (2011 long list)
5. A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian - Marina Lewycka (2005 short list)

I've also read (last year) these 2013 longlisters:
NW - Zadie Smith
Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn
Bring up the Bodies - Hilary Mantel

Edited: Apr 18, 2013, 10:22 am

Read in 2012

1. Fall On Your Knees - Ann-Marie MacDonald (1997 Longlist) 5 stars
2. A Spell of Winter - Helen Dunmore (1996 Winner) 3.8 stars
3. Property 4.2
4. The Night Circus 4.8 stars
5. Lord of Misrule 4.5
6. Foreign Bodies 3.7
7. Gillespie and I 4.4
8. The Song of Achilles 4.8
9. Painter of Silence 4.7
10. Half Blood Blues 4.0
11. Translation of the Bones 4.3
12. The Forgotten Waltz 4.2
13. State of Wonder 4.2
14. Old Filth 4.5
15. There but for the 4.3
16. The Hundred Secret Senses 3.7
17. A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers 3.7

Read in 2011

White Teeth (2000 Shortlist) (4 stars) and
The Lacuna (2010 Winner) (5 stars)
A Visit from the Goon Squad (2011 longlist) 4.5 stars
Paradise - Toni Morrison (1999 shortlist) 4.5 stars
Case Histories - Kate Atkinson (2005 longlist) 4.5 stars
Room - Emma Donoghue (2011 shortlist) 4.5 stars
The Tiger's Wife - Tea Obreht (2011 winner) 4.5 stars
Gilead - Marilynne Robinson (2006 longlist) 4 stars
Small Island - Andrea Levy (2004 winner) 5 stars
The Memory of Love - Aminatta Forna (2011 shortlist) 5 stars
Great House - Nicole Krauss (2011 shortlist) 4 stars
Digging to America - Anne Tyler (2007 shortlist) 4 stars
The Secret Lives of Baba Segi's Wives - Lola Shoneyin (2011 longlist) 4 stars
Grace Williams Says it Loud - Emma Henderson (2011 shortlist) 4 stars
Annabel – Kathleen Winter (2011 shortlist) 4 stars
The Outcast – Sadie Jones 4 stars
Half of a Yellow Sun – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie 4.5 stars
Swamplandia! – Karen Russell (2011 longlist) 4 stars
A Mercy – Toni Morrison 4 stars

The Help (2010 Longlist) 4.5 stars
Wolf Hall (2010 Shortlist) 5 stars
Burnt Shadows (2009 Shortlist) 4 stars
A Gate At the Stairs (2010 Shortlist) 3.5 stars

before 2010
Bel Canto (2002 Winner) 4.5 stars
The Poisonwood Bible (1999 Shortlist) 5 stars
The Ventriloquist's Tale (1998 Shortlist) 3 stars
Accordion Crimes (1997 Shortlist) 4 stars
Ladder of Years (1996 Shortlist) (liked it, but can't remember how much)
Girl With a Pearl Earring (2000 Longlist) 4 stars
Charming Billy (2000 Longlist) 4 stars
The Gathering (2008 Longlist) 3.5 stars
The Namesake (2004 Longlist) 4 stars
The Lovely Bones (2003 Longlist) 4.5 stars
Five Quarters of the Orange (2002 Longlist) 4.5 stars
La Cucina (2002 Longlist) (can't remember)
The Secret Life of Bees (2002 Longlist) 4.5 stars
Ahab's Wife (2001 Longlist) 4 stars
The Bonesetter's Daughter (2001 Longlist) 4 stars

Edited: Apr 18, 2013, 10:20 am

On the shelves, I have:
(why does this list get longer and longer and never shorter?)

The Long Song - Andrea Levy (2010 longlist)
The Girls - Lori Lansens (2007 longlist)
The Time Traveler's Wife - Audrey Niffenegger (2004 longlist)
The Road Home - Rose Tremain (2008 winner)
On Beauty - Zadie Smith (2006 winner)
We Need to Talk About Kevin - Lionel Shriver (2005 winner)
The White Family - Maggie Gee (2002 shortlist)
Unless - Carol Shields (2003 shortlist)
The Inheritance of Loss - Kiran Desai (2007 shortlist)
The Lost Dog - Michele de Kreutzer (2009 longlist)
The Seas - Samantha Hunt (2011 longlist)
The London Train - Tessa Hadley (2011 longlist)
The Invention of Everything Else - Samantha Hunt (2009 shortlist)
The Invisible Bridge - Julie Orringer (2011 longlist)
Caramelo - Sandra Cisneros (2003 longlist)
Liars and Saints - Maile Meloy (2004 shortlist)
The Wilderness - Samantha Harvey (2009 shortlist)
Purple Hibiscus - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (2004 shortlist)
Larry’s Party - Carol Shields (1998 winner)
The Flying Troutmans - Miriam Toews (2009 longlist)
What Was Lost - Catherine O'Flynn (2007 longlist)
Fugitive Pieces - Anne Michaels (1997 winner)
Brick Lane - Monica Ali (2004 longlist)
Notes on a Scandal - Zoe Heller (2004 longlist)
Fingersmith - Sarah Waters (2002 shortlist)
Girl in a Blue Dress - Gaynor Arnold (2009 longlist)
Home - Marilynne Robinson (2009 winner)
Alias Grace - Margarat Atwood (1997 shortlist)
Black and Blue - Anna Quindlen (1998 longlist)
The Ghost Road – Pat Barker (1996 longlist)
When the Emperor Was Divine – Julie Otsuka (2003 longlist)
White Ghost Girls – Alice Greenway (2006 longlist)
The Tenderness of Wolves – Stef Penney (2007 longlist)
Small Wars – Sadie Jones (2010 longlist)
Lyric’s Alley – Leila Aboulela (2011 longlist)
The Grief of Others –Leah Hager Cohen (2012 longlist)
On the Floor – Aifric Campbell (2012 longlist)
The Submission – Amy Waldman (2012 longlist)
The Dancers Dancing - Éilís Ní Dhuibhne (2000 shortlist)
Beyond Black – Hilary Mantel (2006 shortlist)
The Night Watch – Sarah Waters (2006 shortlist)
Molly Fox’s Birthday – Deirdre Madden (2009 shortlist)
Black Water Rising – Attica Locke (2010 shortlist)

Jan 25, 2013, 6:32 pm

It doesn't get shorter my dear because we love our Oranges. They will always be Oranges to me no matter what the 'correct' name is. You have a slew of good to great ones on your shelves. Enjoy them Anne.

Jun 29, 2013, 2:16 pm

Wondering what you are planning to read in Orange July? It's almost upon us.