Round 29 - Starting March 2, 2012

TalkOZ VBB - The Australian Virtual Book Box

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Round 29 - Starting March 2, 2012

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Edited: Mar 14, 2012, 5:18 am

This round is now complete.

The Australian Virtual Bookbox


• Everyone who wants to participate volunteers two books. These need to be books you believe others would like to read, not rubbish you want to get rid of.
• List of books that are available at VBBOZ Books and books owed at In Transit.
• If you would like to join, just let us know and you will be added to the next round.
• You have 24 hours to respond and have your turn. If it appears that you may not have been sent a PM about your turn you will be given an additional 12 hours. If we still haven’t heard from you, you will be bumped to the end. If you are bumped you will be given 48 hours at the end of the round to place your turn along with others on the bumped list. If you find yourself on the bumped list you may post a request to be added to the end of the main list and take your turn as usual.
• Once a book of yours is removed from the box, please send it as soon as possible.
• if a book stays on the available list for more than two rounds it will be moved to the books to be replaced collection. Please keep track of these and replace them during your turn.
• Mid-series or end-of-series books are allowed in the VBB, but please limit yourself to offering only one such book at any time.
• I will update books in the VBBOZ Library.

To join in you will need to have been a bookcrossing member for at least three months, and to have "wild released" at least ten books. This condition may be waived at my discretion.

On Your Turn:

1. Select the books that you want to take out of the box and list them in your post. (please keep all posts in the relevant thread)
2. Replace with the same number of books (or more) and link to the BookCrossing journal pages for each book(s).
3. Check the “Books to be replaced” collection and replace if needed.
4. If you want to skip your turn, you have the option to be placed at the bottom of the list for another try this round.
5. PM the owners of your selected books to notify them of your selection and address.
6. Please PM the next person to let them know they're up.

The order of play is:

RockDg9 ***
luckaye *** (You have one free pick)
Carole888 ***
wookiebender ***
lolkathryn ***
sally906 ***
jennymidget ***
tantan ***
seldombites ***
amberC ***
crimson-tide ***
catsalive ***

*** You have books to be replaced

Bumped list:

Edited: Mar 1, 2012, 12:46 am

I would like to welcome Elddau1 to the Oz VBB in this round. Elddau1 has offered the following starting books to the box:

Falling Angels by Tracy Chevalier -
Marrying Ameera by Rosanne Hawke -

Mar 1, 2012, 9:07 pm

Round 29 has begun, and I have advised bekoh that it's her turn.

Mar 1, 2012, 9:43 pm

I'm still not reading so I've nothing to offer and therefore would like to be skipped this round please

Mar 2, 2012, 7:16 pm

I have to replace one book and will replace it with: The Children's Writer by Gary Crew

Will not be taking any books this round.

Mar 3, 2012, 12:35 am

I need to update my AVL list first so may I be bumped to the end of the round please?

Mar 3, 2012, 12:45 am

No worries - all done bekoh.

Edited: Mar 4, 2012, 1:40 am

Single White E-mail by Jessica Adams
True Blue by David Baldacci
The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid by Bill Bryson
The New Space Opera by Gardner Dozois (amberc)
The Hard Way: A Reacher Novel by Lee Child (bekoh)

Blacktown by Shane Weaver
Cry, The Beloved Country by Alan Paton
The Plot Against America by Philip Roth
Beyond The Dark by Angela Knight, Emma Holly, Lora Leigh, Diane Whiteside

Will PM Carole888 now

Mar 4, 2012, 11:53 am

Thanks luckaye .... sorry I couldn't get here .... and it is so late (yawn!) I am having computer problems .... the internet is taking an eternity to load .... and the touchstones won't load ....

I will replace both:
Goodbye Tsugumi
and Eat, Pray, Love with

Passing by Nella Larsen ( and
Julia and Julia by Julie Powel (

I would also like to take out:
Falling Angels by Tracy Chevaliar and put in
A Woman of Independance by Kirsty Sword Gusmao (

I'll pm Elddau1 and cats, now. Thanks everyone :)

Mar 5, 2012, 11:45 pm

Nothing in the box grabs me this month, and I am seriously behind in my reading. So thanks for your patience but I'll skip this round.

Before I disappear until next time, I'd just like say that The Doomsday Book by Connie Willis is one of my favourite books. If I didn't already have a perfectly good copy, I'd be selecting that.

Mar 6, 2012, 5:44 am

I'd like to select Blacktown by Shane Weaver from luckaye and I'll put in The Road of Lost Innocence by Somaly Mam

Mar 6, 2012, 6:52 pm

I'm taking back:

I Don't Know How She Does It, Allison Pearson

I'm selecting:

Cry The Beloved Country
Bloodsucking Fiends

In exchange, I am putting in:

The Sooterkin, Tom Gilling ( - read and liked, yet to write a review!
Rosie Little's Cautionary Tales for Girls, Danielle Wood ( - read and liked it a lot, yet to write a review!

And, three books that I'm bundling in as one, because they're three in a row and they're great to read together and I'd rather not split them up since they fell into my lap nicely this way:

The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, John le Carre (
The Looking Glass War, John le Carre (
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, John le Carre (

Sorry vbboz, I'm not sure how you're going to describe that one in the catalogue!!

I'll PM lolkathyrn about her turn; and luckaye and jennymidget about their books. Thanks!

Mar 6, 2012, 7:22 pm

Re: wookiebender's contribution above...

I have entered the three books as a single book using the 'Add manually' option.

There is no cover picture for the book shown in our collection, but if you click on the title somehow it has linked itself to other John le Carre books, and there are reviews and ratings and such for anyone who may be interested to look at.

I hope that looks okay to you, wookiebender.

Mar 6, 2012, 7:24 pm

And just wanted to add...

I'm also glad that Cry, the Beloved Country was selected. It's one of my all-time favourite books. :-)

Mar 6, 2012, 7:49 pm

That's brilliant, vbboz! Thanks for that.

I was resisting Cry, The Beloved Country because I'm SURE I bought a copy some years ago. But, after many years of subsequent searching I've been unable to find said copy. I know I'll find it a day or two after this bookcrossed copy turns up in the mail, of course. :)

Mar 7, 2012, 9:38 am

Hi All,

Sorry for the delay on my go - have had a busy day and only just got home!

I would like to choose

Passage, Connie Willis
Cloud Atlas, Neil Mitchel
Redemption Ark, Alistair Reynolds

and I need to replace The Almost Moon, Alice Seebold.

In return I offer:

Water for Elephants, Sara Gruen
Dangerously Placed, Nansi Kunze
The Extraordinaires 1: The Extinction Gambit, Michael Pryor
Thyla, Kate Gordon

I'll contact everyone I need to now... :-)


Edited: Mar 8, 2012, 4:25 am

Hi there - got my message this morning while at work - and my avaiable books are at home - I would like to take/bags A respectable trade from tantan, but won't be posting my replacement book until this afternoon - sorry :)

I'll post the book here - then message Elddau1 - but until then I have to work to support my reading habit :)

Ok am putting in More Bitter than Death by Dana Cameron

I have messaged Elddau1 through both librarything and book crossing :)

Mar 8, 2012, 7:45 pm

Taking out On the edge from round 27 and replacing it with Bad Faith by Aimee Thurlo which i haven't bookcrossed yet as I am reading it - a cosy mystery.

Mar 9, 2012, 7:06 am

Can I be added to the end of the list, out of the bump list. Thanks.

Mar 9, 2012, 7:13 am

No worries Elddau1 - all done!

Mar 9, 2012, 9:14 am

I'd like to postpone my turn and move to the end of the list please.

In the meantime, I'm offering three books as donations:
A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry (a 1001 book) -
Venus Envy by Rita Mae Brown -
Tales of Mystery by Edgar Allan Poe - (This one contains three stories from the 1001 list)

Off to PM jennymidget for her turn. :-)

Mar 9, 2012, 4:52 pm

Hi all, I did come in when I got the email - I think it was 26 hours after it was sent. I have started a new job this week so I'm not quite on the ball regarding everything else atm. K

Mar 9, 2012, 10:16 pm

It's not my turn yet but I need to take out The Memory Keepers Daughter and replace it with Beautiful Lies by Lisa Unger

Mar 10, 2012, 6:08 am

My turn - hope I'm not too late!

Replacing from other rounds:
Fractal Mode
Return of the Warrior
The Real Thing
Destination Unknown
An Old Friend of the Family

The extinction gambit - lolkathryn
The Plot Against America - luckaye

Putting in:
Love in Vein edited by Poppy Z. Brite -
Love in Vein II edited by Poppy Z. Brite -
The Three Sirens by Irving Wallace -
The Glass Lake by Maeve Binchy -
Something Happened by Joseph Heller -
Grantchester Grind by Tom Sharpe -
Spinners by Donna Jo Napoli -

PM'ing tantan for her go.

Mar 10, 2012, 6:38 am

cats, I've popped you back at the end of the list for the current round.

Mar 10, 2012, 7:11 am

Hi all,

I need to replace:

The Reef
The Testament
Hickory Dickory Dock
Black Heart
A Walk to Remember
The Bronze Horseman

And I would like to take:

Water for Elephants (lolkathryn)
Suite Francaise (crimson-tide)
Doomsday Book (seldombites)

So I will put in:

At the Stroke of Madness by Alex Kava -
To the Nines by Janet Evanovich -
The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle -
It's Not You It's Me by Allison Rushby -
The Death of Princes (Star Trek: The Next Generation) by John Peel -
From Doon With Death by Ruth Rendell -
A Murder is Announced by Agatha Christie -
The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side by Agatha Christie -
Ruddy Gore by Kerry Greenwood -

Will PM lolkathryn, crimson-tide and seldombites now!

Mar 10, 2012, 7:21 pm

G'day everyone,

I need to withdraw the following from the box:

Wards of Armageddon by J.N. Williamson & John Maclay
The Genesis Plague by Michael Byrnes
Children of the Dust by Louise Lawrence (a shame because this is a great book!)
Should you judge this book by its cover? by Julian Baggini
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
The History of Lesbian Hair by Mary Dugger
The Hot Zone by Richard Preston &
Rooms by James L. Rubart.

I will replace these books with:

Hero Wanted (Jason Cosmo) by Dan McGirt (this is a signed copy)
Velocity by Dean Koontz
The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd
The Sign of Indra (Longman Structural Readers Stage 5) by Nigel Grimshaw
Silas Marner (Longman Structural Readers Stage 4) by George Eliot
The Thirty-Nine Steps (Longman Structural Readers Stage 4) by John Buchan
Bitten: Bites and Stings from Around the World by Dr. Pamela Nagami (not for the weak stomach)
The 10 Second Rule by Clare De Graaf

I would like to choose from the box:

The Miserable Mill by Lemony Snicket (tantan)
The Secret History by Donna Tartt (bekoh)
To the Nines by Janet Evanovich (tantan)

I will replace these books with:

Ronno the Circus Clown Revised Edition (Endeavour Reading Programme 9a)
Robinson Crusoe Revised Edition (Endeavour Reading Programme 8a)
No Rest, Never Ending (Reading 360 Australia Level 13 Book 1)

I will PM tantan, bekoh & HeatherA now.

Mar 11, 2012, 5:34 am

#25 - Thanks Tanya.

Mar 11, 2012, 9:05 pm

I have requested I be taken off the OZVBB list, thanks.

Mar 11, 2012, 9:55 pm

No worries HeatherAs - all done now.

Mar 12, 2012, 12:41 am

I will replace Pigs In Heaven

I would like to take

Bad Faith by Aimee Thurlo (Sally)

Beyond The Dark by Angela Knight, Emma Holly, Lora Leigh, Diane Whiteside (luckaye)

i will replace them with

Ghost Walk by Heather Graham

The Summer Psychic by Jessica Adams

I'd Tell You i Love You, But Then I'd Have To Kill You by Ally Carter

Off to PM Sally, luckaye and jeniwren

Mar 12, 2012, 3:17 am

There is nothing here at the moment that takes my fancy. Please bump me to the end for another try.

Mar 12, 2012, 9:30 pm

I would like to pick Julie and Julia: My Year of Cooking Dangerously (carole888)

and replace it with A Pressure Cooker Saved My Life

(I can see a theme here - I must be hungry).

Mar 13, 2012, 1:08 am

Ok here goes. First pick, woohoo!

I would like:
Ruddy Gore (tantan)
From Doon with Death (tantan)
A Fine Balance (crimson-tide)

I'm replacing with:
Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel

Light in Shadow by Jayne Ann Krentz

Tirra Lirra by the River by Jessica Anderson

Will PM tantan, crimson-tide.

Mar 13, 2012, 8:00 am

I have two to replace: The Dream Archipelago and The Broken Shore. btw, The Broken Shore is a great book, winner of the Miles Franklin Award and not your usual 'genre novel'. If anyone would still like it, just let me know . . . it's begging for a good new home.

No new picks for me this round.

So I shall add the following two:

Case Histories by Kate Atkinson


Carol by Patricia Highsmith - couldn't find a touchstone...

Thanks everyone. Off to PM catsalive now.

Mar 14, 2012, 4:34 am

I'd like to take Light in Shadow by Jayne Ann Krentz (Elddau1onBC).

I'll remove the 4 Gene Wolfe books.


Death Before Wicket by Kerry Greenwood
Passion Unleashed by Larissa Ione
Pleasure Unbound by Larissa Ione
Annie Freeman's Fabulous Travelling Funeral by Kris Radish
How To Rescue a Dead Princess by Jeff Strand

I'll let jeniwren & elddau know.

Mar 14, 2012, 5:03 am

I would like to take Carol by Patricia Highsmith. Thankyou crimson-tide


I will add The Last Werewolf by Glen Duncan

I will pm crimson-tide.

Mar 14, 2012, 5:19 am

Thanks everyone. We will begin Round 30 on May 4th. I will get the contact list sent to everyone who has contacted me sometime before the next round.

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