finding books we read when young


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finding books we read when young

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Sep 9, 2011, 5:10 pm

When young I read a book that I thought was called The Red Roan. It was about a horse that was tamed and then stolen and forced to be in a rodeo. One rider wanted to win so badly that he pushed out one of the horse's eyes. The original owner finds him and takes him back. I thought it was an American "Black Beauty" centered around the worst of the rodeos rather than the cart drivers of Britain.
When I look for this book, I find ones that have similiar titles, but do not have the same story. Maybe it wasn't a youth book. Is anyone else familiar with this book? If so, what is the actual title and author?
Thank you

Sep 15, 2011, 11:55 am

I don't have an answer for you, although I searched for it on the Web. The Horses group on LibraryThing may be able to help you. I "lurk" on that group and they know a lot about horse books.

Sep 15, 2011, 6:00 pm

The Red Roan Pony by Joseph Wharton Lippincott (1935)?

Sep 19, 2011, 1:40 am

Also try the Name That Book group on LT