The Slave Dance BY Paula Fox/ 1974 Medal Winner

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The Slave Dance BY Paula Fox/ 1974 Medal Winner

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May 20, 2011, 11:40 am

WOW-- this book was amazing! This is the story of a 13 year old boy in the 1840's who is kidnapped by slave traders in New Orleans. It chronicles, from the boy's point of view, the horrors of transporting slaves from Africa to the Americas. His job on the boat is to play his fife so as to "keep the slaves in shape."

I was extremely moved by the compassion this boy had and how Ms. Fox was able to express this in her writing. Although I have seen many documentaries regarding this era, I believe this book really emotes the true nature of what those people went through coming here to their new land. I strongly encourage any educators to encourage their students to read this book when studying pre-Civil War era history. It is completely appropriate for middle school or high school students.

This book has inspired me to now read another classic book, Harriet Beecher Stowe's "Uncle Tom's Cabin." However, I will remain committed to completing my Newberry Challenge.

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