Badges for clp2go

See the WikiThing page for more about Helper Badges.

medal CoverGuess for playing the CoverGuess game

medal Plunderer's Prize for participating in the 2018 LibraryThing Treasure Hunt

medal Rogue's Rose for participating in the 2020 Valentine's Day Hunt

medal Ghost Badge for participating in the 2022 Halloween Hunt

medal Honorary Heart for participating in the 2023 Valentine's Treasure Hunt

medal Commemorative Cake for participating in the 2023 LibraryThing Birthday Hunt

medal Jovial Jack-o'-Lantern for participating in the 2023 Halloween Hunt

medal Fiver for members who've been on the site for five years

medal Tenner for members who've been on the site for ten years

medal Fifteener for members who've been on the site for fifteen years