Badges for ccatalfo

See the WikiThing page for more about Helper Badges.

silver Cover Uploading for uploading covers other members can use (50)

bronze Adding to Awards for adding works to the Honors and Awards system (10)

bronze Award Creation and Combination for adding to or combining awards within the Honors and Awards system (5)

bronze Awards and Honors for contributing to the Honors and Awards system (39)

bronze Exterminator for reporting bugs resolved as fixed (4)

bronze Helper for contributions to any area of LibraryThing (169)

bronze New Series for contributions to the series system. (23)

bronze Rating Recommendations for helping to improve work and author recommendations (24)

medal CoverGuess for playing the CoverGuess game

medal Nest Badge for participating in the 2021 Children's Literature Treasure Hunt

medal Pride Flag for participating in the 2021 LGBTQ Pride Month Treasure Hunt

medal Fiver for members who've been on the site for five years

medal Tenner for members who've been on the site for ten years

medal Fifteener for members who've been on the site for fifteen years