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Sep 23, 2009
Real Name
David Cardillo
About My Library
My Library is...diverse. My main library consists mostly of science fiction and fantasy, especially Star Trek and Star Wars novels. But there's also action and adventure, some classics, and a decent smattering of fantasy. I also have a comic book library, as well as a psychology and health library. Then there's my DVD and video game libraries, but...yeah. And the music Library. But for my main library, I have over 700 books and a hefty comic book/graphic novel collection. But in the words of LeVar Burton, "You don't have to take MY word for it..." See for yourself! :)
About Me
I am a confessed biblioholic who doesn't suffer from biblioholism, but rather enjoys it. I work in a Library at a mid-sized, east-coast University. In my spare time, I ballroom dance, read (obviously), and write. I am owned by two cats and a parrot.
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Bookstores: Captain Blue Hen Comics, Ninth Street Book Shop

Libraries: University of Delaware Morris Library

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