About My Library
I do actually own everything on here since I have a bit of a book addiction. Well, a few of these may have since left my possession, but I did own them when I listed them and read them. Having moved recently, I am finally taking the opportunity to list ALL of my thousands on here and am having fun seeing how my connections to others' libraries change as I load more of my own collection.

The children's books on here so far are books from my own childhood (and they are generally my original copy, I might add since I'm a book horder from way back) or they are chapter books I've read to or with my children. I'm drawing the line at picture books unless they were mine as a peanut. The scads of children's books I've bought for the kids won't get listed here unless I pick them up to read them myself (which is always possible).
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Bookstores: Park Road Books

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