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Oct 12, 2006
Real Name
Megan T.
About My Library
I like to own the books I read, though I'm at the point where I don't bother keeping all of them. The books in this library have been read, unless they are a reference kind of book that you simply don't read cover to cover- like the enneagram book. I won't post the ones in my library waiting for me to read them. My five oldest books don't have the right covers (and some others...), but one day I'll scan them- probably.

Here's my star rating system:
5 stars -Surpassing! Blows me away with brilliance!
4 stars -Excellent- I'd read this again
3 stars -Good
2 stars -Not so good
1 star -Why is this still in my library? Obviously there is some reason- what is it?

A note: The tag "historical" means not that it was written about the past, but that it was written in the past. We get a glimpse of the past just because the book was written so long ago.

This library doesn't have all my books. Those that are intended for my class library can be seen here: t1bclasslibrary.

More library! To see the books I've read but do not own, go here: t1bnotown
About Me
I like to read (obviously), and I very much appreciate the OCD friendly nature of Library Thing where I can sit here and catagorize my books in a very thorough and useful way. What I like to read and what I like to do are reflected in my selection of books, and so are my college majors (psych and medieval studies) and the fact that I've got a masters in elementary education. I'm very busy in general, but most of my books are up here (now I've just got to review them all!). :}

Right now I'm very into swapping used books and cds and dvds!
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