
Real Name
Sarah Beth Durst
About Me
Sarah Beth Durst is the author of nine fantasy novels for children, teens, and adults, including CONJURED, VESSEL, and ICE. Her most recent YA novel, CHASING POWER, came out in October 2014 from Bloomsbury, and her next middle-grade novel, THE GIRL WHO COULD NOT DREAM, is scheduled for release in fall 2015 from HMH/Clarion Books. Sarah was awarded the 2013 Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Children's Literature and has been a finalist for SFWA's Andre Norton Award three times. She is a graduate of Princeton University, where she spent four years studying English, writing about dragons, and wondering what the campus gargoyles would say if they could talk. Sarah lives in Stony Brook, New York, with her husband and children. For more information, visit her at
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