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Jan 26, 2011
Real Name
Mary Johnson
About My Library
My library is pretty eclectic, heavy in mysteries, science fiction and romance but has a little bit of everything. There's more books in print then ebooks. There's some signed books. My library really needs more first editions.
About Me
My passion is books, reading them, owning them and buying them. I'm a reluctant reviewer (really only reviewing so I can get more books) who really is not secretly longing to write. I am the mother of three boys and grandmother of three grandsons. I work as a high school career coordinator which allows me to research (i.e., read) about careers and colleges to connect high school students to what comes next.
LeClaire, IA
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Bookstores: Barnes & Noble Booksellers - North Park Mall, Readmore Book World

Libraries: Bettendorf Public Library, Davenport Public Library Main, Le Claire Community Library

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