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Dec 15, 2007
About My Library
I read mostly non-fiction.

I used to read a lot of books from the public library when I was a student, but you will not find these books here. When I started working, I read a lot less, but Bruce Chatwin's the Songlines inspired me to pick up reading again when I was working in Singapore. To some extend you can still find the themes from that novel back in the books I enjoy.

Mine is a reader's library. I am not a book collector. I like to read at my own pace, jumping from subject to subject. And then it is easier to have a stack of books next to the couch than that I would have to go to the public library.

Since the 1980's I have worked and travelled in East Asia a lot and you find that reflected in my library.

I use Librarything also as repository of notes on books I have read. I publish them as reviews. Do not consider them proper synopses, however.

"En veel lezens is vermoeiing des vleses."

About Me

Omnibus dubitandum

With a full-time job I have only limited time for reading. Besides reading I enjoy art house films, classical music and jazz, economics and investment, photography, and most of all travelling.

visited 69 states (31.80%)

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