Real Name
L.J. Sellers
About My Library
Clearly, I read mystery/suspense novels. Some of my all-time favorites (The Stand, The Tomorrow File, The Handmaid's Tale) are futuristic thrillers, and I'm currently writing a suspense novel set in the future.

This is by no means a complete list, but I'm chipping away at it. And of course, some things I read as a young person, I'd never admit publicly.
About Me
I’m an award-winning author of the bestselling Detective Jackson mystery/thriller series: THE SEX CLUB, SECRETS TO DIE FOR, THRILLED TO DEATH, PASSIONS OF THE DEAD, DYING FOR JUSTICE, LIARS, CHEATERS & THIEVES, RULES OF CRIME, and CRIMES OF MEMORY. I also have four standalone thrillers: THE TRIGGER, THE BABY THIEF, THE GAUNTLET ASSASSIN, and THE LETHAL EFFECT. When not plotting murders, I enjoy cycling, social networking, performing standup comedy, attending mystery conferences, and hanging out with my family.
Eugene, Oregon
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