Real Name
Lenny Peppers
About My Library
I have two, one that is dedicated to Native American media and the other for fun. I love horror and scifi! I read all the Native American literature that I can get my hands on, so if you have something that you would like read please feel free to send it my way. Maybe someday I will be able to share my own.
About Me
I am a Northern Cheyenne comedian, mother of 6, and filmmaker with degrees in Native American History and Journalism. I am working on an MFA in Media Arts. I am clearly obsessed with learning. I teach the Modern Horror Film course at the University of Montana and I specialize in film theory. I am also currently the host for the Missoula, Montana podcasts Inappropriations, The Novel Savage, and Prairie Tales of Terror. I direct The Spooky, Spooky, Spooky, Spooky Movie Show and am in the process of starting a media company. I am a writer and a reader. I also sit on the board for the Montana Racial Equity Project and on the elected leadership for Missoula's I.D.E.A. for Racial Justice.
Missoula, Montana