
Real Name
J. Keith Ostertag
About My Library
I don't actually own all these books. Because of my bad memory, I sometimes get confused about whether I read a book or read _about_ the book in someone's review... So I have been adding books to my library as I remember what I have read and enjoyed in the past, even though I still may not remember exactly what the book was about... Generally I don't include books that I did not really enjoy.
About Me
For about 10 years I worked as a professional librarian in both public and academic libraries, but my duties were mostly in computer technology so during that time I actually had very little to do with books! I also spent a number of years as an photographer (MFA) and puttering around with electronics. I have always been big on home audio. I have a poor memory for some things, and stopped being so much of a geek years ago because I could no longer keep up and the stress was getting to me. I am a bit of a non-conformist and dislike corporate reality (whatever that is). I want to read books that reveal something about the world, what it means to be human, deconstruct and debunk the layers of stuff we surround ourselves in. I tend not to like genre writing, but if it moves me or engages me then great! I sometimes enjoy reading reviews as much as books, especially those in the New York Times Book Review,, and of course here!
Louisville, KY
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