
Real Name
Kaya Oakes
About My Library
I'm updating this with recently read things and classics, as well as a list of things I read while I was researching Slanted and Enchanted. Since I seem to read a couple hundred books a year (not bragging, just admitting I'm an addict), I may forget to add a few titles here and there.
About Me
I'm the author of two books, one nonfiction investigation of a subculture and one poetry collection. Slanted and Enchanted: The Evolution of Indie Culture, will be out from Henry Holt in June of 09, and Telegraph, winner of the Transcontinental Poetry Prize from Pavement Saw Press, is available from SPD. I co-founded and edited Kitchen Sink Magazine, which died and went to indie magazine heaven in 2007. Since 1999, I've taught writing to the smart kids at UC Berkeley, and before that I taught at the San Francisco Art Institute and Saint Mary's College. Before that I worked in a comic book shop and a bookstore, two jobs I miss a lot.
Oakland, CA
Currently Reading
Local Favorites

Bookstores: Book Zoo, Issues, Jeff Maser, Bookseller, Moe's Books, Pegasus Downtown

Libraries: Berkeley Public Library - Central Library, Doe Library - University of California, Berkeley, Oakland Public Library - Golden Gate Branch