Real Name
Jenn (JB)
About My Library
Eclectic. I read mostly historical fiction, fantasy, romance, scifi, paranormal, and also cookbooks. Better yet, look around my book list.
About Me
I've been on LibraryThing for 15 years. Huzzah.

A few years ago, I quit my Medical Admin Job (best decision ever). I own a business now in antiques and vintage goods. I love what I do and the flexibility to read.

I will also say I like hiking, but everyone says this. Do you ever notice? Not everyone can love hiking. People say they love hiking online as if it is a crime to not list hiking...but how many do you know say, "Hey, lets go hiking, because, hiking? YAY!"

I don't think so.

Those trails would be much busier. I would know because I actually hike. I have lovely hiking adventures with my hubs or adult children. I also like reading as much as I like hiking.

I write my own reviews if I have something to say. I still write my own reviews if I have nothing new to say.

I read an article years ago that stuck with me for reviewing:
1) The review must tell what the book is about.
2) The review must tell what the book's author says about that thing the book is about.
3) The review must tell what the reviewer thinks about what the book's author says about that thing the book is about.

Its a good writing stretch to hit all three.

I've had a pen name forever and now I'm just JB. People ask me if my red hair is mine. Yes, absolutely. It came with my head.
Pacific NW
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Bookstores: Barnes & Noble Booksellers - Vancouver, Literary Leftovers, Multnomah County Library - Title Wave Used Books, Powell's City of Books (Portland), Vintage Books

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