Real Name
cherry schenck
About My Library
Mostly all i have right now is my bibical research and bibles collection.
I like Historical books,Geneology,Nancy Drew,Hardy Boys,Black Stallion,Agatha Christie,Miss Marple, a variety of good clean books,that is one thing i like about this site-you can grow here!
About Me
My name is Cherry and i live in Bakersfield,California,U.S.A.
I love to read, and since i;ve joined this site,i;ve come to appreciate books and thier authors much more. I am currently studying my Bible and doing Bibical research into End-Time things.I have a good sized library, but have only listed 5 books so far.
I have spent by far the better part of my life taking care of family members,who have since passed into thier sleep,so i have a deep appreciation for the family and friends that are living now,and thank the LORD daily for them.
I have my best friend is the one i pray to daily,because He is always there to listen to me,encourage me,pick me up when i fall,and most of all,FORGIVE ME & LOVE ME!
I find i like this site very much the more i study it, i would encourage everyone to check it out for themselves.
217 McCord Ave Bakersfield California 93308
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