
- BINDING: Hardcover (3,224), - LOCATION: Coffee House (1,157), - LOCATION: Home Office (949), - BINDING: Paperback (917), - LOCATION: Study (717), - GENRE: Picture Book (449), - GENRE: Novel (404), - GENRE: Poetry (237), - GENRE: Biography (229), - LOCATION: Bedroom (220), - LOCATION: East End (215), - GENRE: Memoir (192), Christmas (109), Contemplative Living (84), - FEATURE: Autographed (63), - LOCATION: Coffee House (Oversize) (61), - GENRE: Literary Collection (53), - COVER NEEDED (52), - GENRE: Fiction (51), - GENRE: Quotations (50), Spirituality (50), - GENRE: Short Stories (49), Ethnicity and Race (47), - GENRE: Photographs (46), - GENRE: Essays (45), Cats (44), - GENRE: Meditations (44), - LOCATION: Sunroom (44), Bible Study (43), - LOCATION: ? (42), - GENRE: Prayers (41), U.S.A. - History (40), Christianity (39), Christmas - Picture Book (39), - LOCATION: CFMC Office (38), - LOCATION: Living Room (36), U.S.A. - Civil Rights Movement (32), - GENRE: Guidebook (32), Presidency - U.S.A. (29), - GENRE: Fiction (Mystery) (28), - GENRE: Fairy Tales (28), Management (28), U.S.A. - Civil War (1861-1865) (27), Jesus Christ (27), Pastoral Care (24), - GENRE: Rhyme (24), - BINDING: Spiral (24), Native Americans (24), Lincoln Abraham (1809-1865) (24), - GENRE: Humor (23), Race Relations - U.S.A. (22), - GENRE: Wisdom (22), - GENRE: Self Help (20), - GENRE: Folklore (19), King Martin Luther Jr. (1929-1968) (19), - FEATURE: Family Heirloom (18), - GENRE: Pop-up (18), Simplicity (17), U.S.A. - Presidency (17), - GENRE: Travelogue (17), - GENRE: Cookbook (16), - GENRE: Autobiography (16), Leadership (16), Race Relations (15), - GENRE: Letters (15), - GENRE: Bible Translations (15), Iowa (15), - GENRE: Alphabet Book (15), Aging (15), Cats - Picture Book (14), Prayer (14), Racism (14), - BINDING: Board (13), - FEATURE: Iowa (13), Obama Barack Hussein (1961-) - President (13), - LOCATION: Kitchen (13), God (13), Gardening (13), - GENRE: Reference (13), Nature (13), - GENRE: Handbook (13), Death (12), Christian Life (12), Writing (12), Holocaust (12), Simple Living (11), - GENRE: Interviews (11), Personal Finance (11), - GENRE: Cartoons (11), Interpersonal Relationships (11), War (11), Christianity - History (11), Racism - U.S.A. (10), Johnson Lyndon B. (1908-1973) (10), Capitalism (10), Christmas - Fiction (10), Nixon Richard Milhaus (1913-1994) - President (10), - GENRE: Novel (Mystery) (10), Poverty (10), Turkey - History (10), Slavery (10), - GENRE: Fables (10), Buddhism (10), Iowa - History (10), Peace (9), Bible Study - Old Testament (9), - BINDING: Pamphlet (9), Life (9), Slavery - U.S.A. (9), World War II (9), Personal Development (9), Nonviolence (9), - GENRE: Oral History (8), U.S.A. - Foreign Affairs (8), Kennedy John F. (1917-1963) (8), - GENRE: Legends (8), Love (8), - GENRE: Journal (8), Bush George W. (1946- ) (8), Happiness (8), Community (8), Reading (8), Jefferson Thomas (1743-1826) - President (8), - GENRE: Speeches (7), - GENRE: Folktales (7), Creativity (7), Immigration (7), Clinton William Jefferson (1946- ) (7), Merton Thomas (1915-1968) (7), - GENRE: Science Fiction (7), - GENRE: Sermons (7), - FEATURE: Teachers (7), Star Trek (7), African Americans (7), Spiritual Direction (7), Christianity and Politics (7), Bush George H. W. (1924- ) (7), Birds (7), Carter Jimmy (6), BINDING: Hardcover (6), - GENRE: Mythology (6), - GENRE: Anthology (6), - GENRE: Inspirational Literature (6), - GENRE: Fantasy (6), - GENRE: Transcription (6), Terrorism (6), Democracy (6), Arthur - King of England (6), Tuscany (6), Christian Year - Advent (6), Philosophy (6), Peacemaking (6), Yoga (6), Stress Management (6), - FEATURE: UNI Author (6), Conduct of Life (6), Mother Teresa (1910-1997) (6), - GENRE: Devotional Literature (6), Native Americans (History) (6), Reagan Ronald (1911-2004) - President (6), Christianity - Theology (6), Teachers (6), - GENRE: Dictionary (5), - GENRE: Story Book (5), - GENRE: Short Story (5), - GENRE: Fiction (Historical) (5), - GENRE: Novella (5), - GENRE: Paintings (5), Social Justice (5), Self Actualization (5), Ford Gerald Rudolph (1913-2006) - President (5), U.S.A. - Politics and Government (5), Carter Jimmy (1924- ) (5), Roosevelt Franklin D. (1882-1945) (5), U.S.A. - Military Policy (5), U.S.A. - Religion (5), Pacifism (5), - GENRE: Diary (5), Angelou Maya (1928-2014) (5), Angels (5), - LOCATION: Study - Files (5), Nazi Germany (5), - BINDING: Leather (5), Dogs (5), Vietnam (5), - BINDING: Electronic (5), - GENRE: Stories in Rhyme (5), Marriage (5), - LOCATION: Kindle (5), Folk Arts (5), African Americans (History) (4), Twain Mark (1835-1910) (4), Nazis (4), Roosevelt Eleanor (1884-1962) (4), Franklin Benjamin (1706-1790) (4), Emotional Intelligence (4), Baptists (4), Spiritual Life (4), - GENRE: Literary Criticism (4), Race and Ethnicity (4), Christmas - Poetry (4), Conflict Management (4), Grant Ulysses S. (1822-1885) - President (4), Death Penalty (4), Bible - Old Testament - Psalms (4), - LOCATION: Dining Room (4), Evangelicalism (4), Hitler Adolf (1889-1945) (4), Retirement (4), Eisenhower Dwight David (1890-1969) - President (4), Lee Robert E. (1807-1870) (4), Social Class (4), Faith (4), Contemplation (4), - GENRE: Devotions (4), Winter - Picture Book (4), Amish (4), - GENRE: Atlas (4), Fairy Tales (4), Globalization (4), Friendship (4), - GENRE: Daily Readings (4), Consumerism (4), Reconciliation - Christianity (4), Jewish Holocaust (1933-1945) (4), U.S.A. - Race Relations (4), Parenting (4), UNI Author (4), Animals (4), Mythology (4), Native Americans (Ogalala Lakota Sioux) (4), Civil War (Fiction) (4), Violence - Religious Aspects (3), Prairies (3), Feng Shui (3), Teaching (3), Time Management (3), Perennials (3), Christianity - Fundamentalism (3), Lincoln Abraham (1809-1865) - Fiction (3), Christian Year - Lent (3), Christian Discipleship (3), Organizational Change (3), Wealth (3), Liberation Theology (3), Trump Donald J. (1946- ) (3), Fundamentalism (3), Middle Age (3), Douglass Frederick (1818-1895) (3), Bible Study - New Testament - Parables (3), Great Depression (3), Worship (3), Iowa - Postville (3), Love - Poetry (3), War on Terror (3), Gibran Kahlil (1883-1931) (3), Islam (3), Tuscany (Fiction) (3), Bible Study - New Testament (3), German Language (3), Custer George Armstrong (1839-1876) (3), Economics (3), Natural History (3), Washington George (1732-1799) (3), - GENRE: Fiction (Historical Mystery) (3), Women (3), Family (3), - GENRE: Pictures (3), History (Miscellanea) (3), - GENRE: Proverbs (3), Food (3), Germany (3), Women's Studies (3), - GENRE: Curriculum Guide (3), Community Organization (3), Asian Americans (3), Women in the Bible (3), Work Life (3), Sports (Basketball) (3), Homosexuality (3), Kissinger Henry (3), Santa Claus (3), U.S.A. - Civil War (1861-1865) (Fiction) (3), Social Action (3), Women Prisoners (3), Learning Organizations (3), Immigrant Children (3), Thomas Clarence (3), Christianity - Future (3), Grief (3), Religion & Science (3), Native Americans (Cheyenne) (3), - GENRE: Mystery (3), Wright Richard (1908-1960) (3), Folklore (England) (3), Walker Alice (1944- ) (3), Civil Rights (3), Nature - Psychological Aspects (3), Einstein Albert (1879-1955) (3), Malcolm X (1925-1965) (3)
Tag Cloud, Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Nov 8, 2008
Real Name
Thomas Kessler
About My Library
Our library is probably best described as an eclectic mix reflecting evolving personal and professional interests. My interests are are focused in the areas of religion and theology, public affairs, social justice, peace studies, history, Christian spirituality, leadership, and other aspects of the social sciences. My wife's interests are focused in the areas of education, children's literature, as well as general and mystery fiction. Our library also includes several groups of books on certain special themes or features, including cats, Christmas, Iowa, etc. My best estimate is that I now have approximately 80% of our library entered.
About Me
I am a member of the Cedar Valley community (Waterloo, Cedar Falls and surrounds) in northeast Iowa. I serve professionally as a Social Sciences Bibliographer at the University of Northern Iowa Rod Library. I also serve in a voluntary capacity as Coordinator of the Peace & Justice Center of the Cedar Valley, a ministry of the Cedar Falls Mennonite Church. My wife is an elementary special education teacher in Cedar Falls.
Cedar Falls, Iowa
Favorite Authors
Local Favorites

Bookstores: Book Nook (Friends of the Cedar Falls Public Library), Prairie Lights Books, River Lights 2nd Edition, University of Notre Dame - The Hammes Bookstore

Libraries: Cedar Falls Public Library, UNI Rod Library, Waterloo Public Library