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Jan 20, 2007
About My Library
I started keeping track of what I was reading when I was a sophomore in high school, in an address book, alphabetically by author, and I've been doing it ever since. So, my LibraryThing List (the Library) only includes books I've read. With the price of books these days, it's more about what you read than what you own, anyway. And now, I can sort what I've read by topic!
About Me
I'm a self-employed math tutor and artist living North of Boston. I like to think I can read anything, which isn't actually true, but good enough to keep me busy. Life is too short to read bad books.

Favorite topics
- I've read most of the good lobstering books already, and branched out into Maine/coastal, but it's just not the same.
- GLBT non-fiction and fiction
- Math/Teaching/Education
- Mysteries and SciFi
- Sustainability/Science/Birding
- Unreliable Narrators
- Apples
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Interesting Library