
Jul 5, 2021
Real Name
James Cushing
About My Library
Books from Cushing's library have been identified in several libraries by Stephen Ferguson of Princeton University.

In his will, dated 5 May 1764, Cushing includes "my Library" among bequests to his wife Ann.

An additional title for which Cushing is a known subscriber has been added.

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Please contact Libraries of Early America coordinator Jeremy Dibbell.
About Me
James Cushing (20 November 1705-13 May 1764), minister of Plaistow, NH. The son of Rev. Caleb Cushing of Salisbury, MA and Elizabeth Cotton, Cushing was graduated from Harvard College in 1725, and took his M.A. in 1728.

Cushing married Ann Wainwright on 16 October 1730, and was ordained minister of the Second Church of Haverhill on 2 December 1730. He was a "hearty Mourner for the sad Divisions" brought by the Great Awakening, and remonstrated against George Whitefield in 1744. Sibley's biographical sketch notes "That the ministry of such an Old-Light as Cushing in a frontier parish should be one of unbroken peace is proof enough of his genius as a pastor."

When the Massachusetts-New Hampshire border was run in 1741 the parish was divided, but the difficulties were managed amicably.

See Sibley 7:499-501.
Haverhill, Essex County, Massachusetts

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