About My Library
This is all the books that I own personally, and I'm a compulsive book-buyer. That's why there are so many types. That also explains why so many of them are tagged "unread," but I'll get to them, I swear!

My tags are pretty self-explanatory, I have them shelved by genre and then I have subtags about content. I'm always improving the system as I actually READ my books and find out what's in them! My next project will be organizing them by spine color so they'll look pretty on my black bookshelves.

Anyway, that means that my library isn't really an excellent reflection of what I read or am reading. I get a lot of books from the library, my personal 1,600 is more like an emergency stash! I'm working on cutting down though. As I read them, if I don't want to keep them for rereading, I give them away on BookMooch, PaperbackSwap, and to the local used book store. I feel bad letting them sit on my shelf when somebody could be reading them.
About Me
I try to review every book I read, even if it's just a few sentences. I review the books I own here, and the books I read from any source at Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/16212834-hannah-givens. The most notable books are reviewed on my blog, so follow me there for the best of the best!
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