
Your library (1,356)
Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Jul 14, 2006
About My Library
I've been attracted to SF/Fantasy from as far back as I can remember -- my favourite Bugs Bunny cartoons involved the Martian platforms. I think I bought my first SF anthology, and read it (and my cousin's copy of The Hobbit), on summer break after Grade One. Add to that predilection a galloping case of pack-rat-itis -- I still have that copy of Sci-Fi 3, and all books bought since then. Hence, the library.

Unfortunately, during my University years and my subsequent employment in the computer industry, reading became more like work, and I did it less. So I'm buying less, and getting more and more backlogged despite that. Though I never catalogue anything until I've read it, even if it's sitting on the shelf right beside me. So the bulk of this collection really came in the 80s.

Most of the hardcovers are thanks to the SFBC, or Science Fiction Book Club, which makes buying hardcovers nearly as cheap as an airport paperback these days, and thus my hardcovers are growing, where my paperbacks are virtually stagnant.
About Me
Bibliophile from northern Canada. I've still got some books I bought at the tender age of 7, which was ...ahem... quite some time ago. Okay, it was three decades ago. You do the math. I've finally built a suitable library room to house this collection, complete with sliding ladder, and now can just sit and bask in the glow of thousands of spines.
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada