Early ReviewersAhmad Aljazeeri

LibraryThing author page

April 2024 Batch

Giveaway Ended: April 25 at 06:00 pm EDT

Unveiling 11 Relationship Secrets Nobody Told You is a pioneering exploration of the complexities of human connections.

For the first time, it introduces the public to the 'PICCK A SPICE' framework, encompassing 11 unique relationships: Playful, Intellectual, Creative, Culinary, Kind, Adventurous, Spiritual, Physical, Inspirational, Caring, and Empathetic. This groundbreaking book covers both romantic and platonic relationships, offering fresh perspectives on friendship and love. Each chapter weaves fascinating facts and theories with engaging stories, making complex concepts relatable.

The book combines rigorous scientific research with practical, innovative solutions for improving existing relationships and forging new, meaningful connections. Merging insights from evolution, history, biology, and psychology and challenging traditional views of relationships, this book distills the wisdom of thousands of scientists into an accessible format, answering questions you've always pondered. It also sheds light on the limitations of dating and friendship apps, proposing new strategies for meaningful connections.

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Romance, Science & Nature, General Nonfiction, Nonfiction
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TerriTie (Author)
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Batch Closed