People/CharactersRainer Maria Rilke

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Works (75)

"Das Tagebuch" Goethes und Rilkes "Sieben Gedichte" by Siegfried Unseldnot in English Common Knowledge
"Nebesnai͡a arka. Marina T͡Svetaeva i Raĭner Marii͡a Ril'ke".
The Age of Absurdity: Why Modern Life Makes it Hard to be Happy by Michael Foley
The Author and His Publisher: Lectures Delivered in Mainz and Austin by Siegfried Unseldnot in English Common Knowledge
The Beginning of Terror: A Psychological Study of Rainer Maria Rilke's Life and Work (Literature and Psychoanalysis ; 1) by David Kleinbard
Briefwechsel mit Rainer Maria Rilke by Paula Modersohn-Beckernot in English Common Knowledge
La Comtesse de Noailles vous attend, Monsieur Rilke, dans mon bureau de poste autour d'une rencontre occultée en pays de Vaud (Étoy, 1921) by Denis Knoepfler
A Cornishman at Oxford by A. L. Rowse
The Correspondence of Walter Benjamin, 1910-1940 by Walter Benjamin
Dear Scarlet: The Story of My Postpartum Depression by Teresa Wong
El Viejo León : Tolstoi, un retrato literario by Mauricio Wiesenthal
Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre by Walter Kaufmann
Four German Writers: Mann, Kafka, Rilke, Brecht (CBC University of the Air) by Hans Eichner
Genius: A Mosaic of One Hundred Exemplary Creative Minds by Harold Bloom
Germanistische Streifzüge durch Leipzig auf den Spuren von Literaten und Sprachwissenschaftlern by Georg Schuppener
The Graphic Canon, Vol. 3: From Heart of Darkness to Hemingway to Infinite Jest by Russ Kick
Gwen John by Alicia Foster
Gwen John by Susan Chitty
The Hare with Amber Eyes: A Hidden Inheritance by Edmund De Waal
Heidegger's Confusions by Paul Edwards
Illuminating the Way: Embracing the Wisdom of Monks and Mystics by Christine Valters Paintner
In Praise of Mortality by Rainer Maria Rilke
In the Company of Rilke : Why a 20th-Century Visionary Poet Speaks So Eloquently to 21st-Century Readers Yearing for inwardness, Beauty & Spiritual Connection by Stephanie Dowrick
Keur uit Rilke by A. Marja
Konzert ohne Dichter by Klaus Modick
Letters of Note: Volume 1: An Eclectic Collection of Correspondence Deserving of a Wider Audience by Shaun Usher
Letters on Life: New Prose Translations (Modern Library Classics) by Rainer Maria Rilke
Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke
Letters: Summer 1926 by Marina Tsvetayeva
The Lives of the Muses: Nine Women & the Artists They Inspired by Francine Prose
Nicht Ziel und nicht Zufall: Rainer Maria Rilke in Soglio by Hans-Joachim Barkenings
Nietzsche: Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist by Walter Arnold Kaufmann
On grief and reason: essays by Joseph Brodsky
Party of One: The Loner's Manifesto by Anneli Rufus
Rainer Maria Rilke by Käte Hamburger
Rainer Maria Rilke by Gunter Martens
Rainer Maria Rilke by Pierre Desgraupesnot in English Common Knowledge1926
Rainer Maria Rilke (El Vidente y lo Oculto) by Mauricio Wiesenthal
Rainer Maria Rilke (Modern literature monographs) by Arnold Bauer
Rainer Maria Rilke 1875 bis 1975: Eine Dokumentation (Insel Almanach auf das Jahr 1977) by Insel Verlag
Rainer Maria Rilke : A Study of His Later Poetry by Hans Egon Holthusen
Rainer Maria Rilke : de levensgang van een dichter by Christiane Rooseboomnot in English Common Knowledge
Rainer Maria Rilke and Lou Andreas-Salome: The Correspondence by Rainer Maria Rilke
Rainer Maria Rilke in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten by Hans Egon Holthusennot in English Common Knowledge
Rainer Maria Rilke und die bildende Kunst seiner Zeit (German Edition) by Gisela Götte
Rainer Maria Rilke und Stefan Zweig in Briefen und Dokumenten by Rainer M. Rilke
Rainer Maria Rilke. by Stefan Schank
Rainer Maria Rilke: aspects of his mind and poetry by William Rose
Rainer Maria Rilke: New Poems by Rainer Maria Rilke
Riding with Rilke: Reflections on Motorcycles and Books by Ted Bishop
Rilke by Philippe Jaccottet
Rilke by Federico Bermúdez-Cañetenot in English Common Knowledge
Rilke and France : a study in poetic development by Kenneth Alfred James. Batterby
Rilke heute. Beziehungen und Wirkungen. Band II by Beda Alleman
Rilke's Book of Hours: Love Poems to God by Joanna Marie Macy (Contributor) Anita Barrows (Con
Rilke's Duino Elegies: An Interpretation by Romano Guardini
Rilke's Russia: A Cultural Encounter by Anna A. Tavis
Rilke, ou, L'ange déchiré by Pierre Mertens
Rilke. Überzähliges Dasein: Eine Biographie by Fritz J. Raddatz
Rilke: A Life by Wolfgang Leppmann
En Russie avec Rilke, 1900 by Lou Andreas-Salomé
Die schönsten Gedichte by Rainer Maria Rilkenot in English Common Knowledge
Selected Poems of Rainer Maria Rilke by Rainer Maria Rilke
The Sex Lives of Famous Lesbians by Nigel Cawthorne
Still : poetry on Rilke by Dirk Horai Beemster
Three Lives: A Biography of Stefan Zweig by Oliver Matuschek
The Very Rich Hours of Adrienne Monnier by Adrienne Monnier
Ein Vormittag beim Buchhändler by Carl J. Burckhardt
Wege mit Rilke by Lou Albert-Lasard
Where I'm Calling From: New and Selected Stories by Raymond Carver
The World of Yesterday by Stefan Zweig
Writers: Their Lives and Works by James Naughtie
A Year with Rilke: Daily Readings from the Best of Rainer Maria Rilke by Rainer Maria Rilke
You Alone Are Real to Me: Remembering Rainer Maria Rilke (American Readers Series) by Lou Andreas-Salomé
Zuiverende kroniek by Simon Vestdijk