People/CharactersHenri Matisse

People/Characters by cover

Works (111)

L' ABCdaire de Matisse by Laurence Milletnot in English Common Knowledge
The "wild beasts" : Fauvism and its affinities by John Elderfield
L'ABCdaire de Matisse by Laurence Milletnot in English Common Knowledge
Anri Matiss i vydaiushchiesia datskie sobirateli: proizvedeniia zhivopisi iz kollektsii Gosudarstvennogo khudozhestvennogo muzeia, Kopengagen by Kasper Monrad
Anri Matiss, 1869-1954: Zhivopis, risunok, dekupazhi : katalog-albom (Russian Edition) by Henri Matisse
Art for Children (Childcraft) by Childcraft
Art Now by Herbert Read
Art of Matisse by Douglas Mannering
The Art of Rivalry: Four Friendships, Betrayals, and Breakthroughs in Modern Art by Sebastian Smee
Art; an introduction by Dale G. Cleaver
The Artist's Mind: A Psychoanalytic Perspective on Creativity, Modern Art and Modern Artists by George Hagman
Artists and Their Museums On the Riviera by Barbara F. Freed
The artists of my life by Brassaï
The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas by Gertrude Stein
Belle Île : Monet, Russell & Matisse in Brittany by Ursula Prunster
The Berggruen Collection : Berlin by Hans Jurgen Papies
The Bohemians: The Birth of Modern Art, Paris 1900-1930 by Dan Franck
Bred for War by Michael A. Stackpole
Bright Earth: Art and the Invention of Color by Philip Ball
Charmed Circle: Gertrude Stein and Company by James R. Mellow
Chatting with Henri Matisse by Henri Matisse
The Collector's Apprentice by B. A. Shapiro
The Essential Henri Matisse (Essential Series) by Ingrid Schaffner
Fauvism by Joseph-Émile Muller
Graphic Passion: Matisse and the Book Arts by John Bidwell
The Great Artists - Their lives, works and inspirations [Vol.8] by Marshall Cavendish
The Great Artists: Matisse by Jean Leymarie
Henri Matisse by John M. Jacobus
Henri Matisse by M. V. Alpatovnot in English Common Knowledge
Henri Matisse by Lars-Erik Åströmnot in English Common Knowledge
Henri Matisse by Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse by Vlastimil Fiala
Henri Matisse by Jude Welton
Henri Matisse (Art for Children) by Ernest Lloyd Raboff
Henri Matisse (Getting to Know the World's Greatest Artists) by Mike Venezia
Henri Matisse, May 5-July 3, 1966 (exhibition) by Museum Of Fine Arts Boston
Henri Matisse. The Museum of Modern Art, Nov. 13, 1951-Jan. 13, 1952; the Cleveland Museum of Art, Feb. 5-Mar. 16, 1952; the Art Institute of Chicago, Apr. 1-May 4, 1952; the San Francisco Museum of Art, May 22-July 6, 1952. by Alfred Hamilton Barr
Henri Matisse: A Retrospective by John Elderfield
Henri Matisse: Drawing with Scissors by Jane O'Connor
Henri Matisse: Paintings and sculptures in Soviet museums by Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse: The Cut-Outs by Karl Buchberg
Henri Matisse: The early years in Nice, 1916-1930 by Jack Cowart
Impressionists and Post-Impressionists in Soviet Museums by Anna Barskaya
Interpreting Matisse Picasso by Elizabeth Cowling
The Iridescence of Birds: A Book About Henri Matisse by Patricia MacLachlan
A Journey into Matisse's South of France (ArtPlace series) by Laura McPhee
Kiki's Paris: Artist and Lovers 1900-1930 by Billy Klüver
Letters of Note: Volume 1: An Eclectic Collection of Correspondence Deserving of a Wider Audience by Shaun Usher
Lives of the Artists: Masterpieces, Messes (and What the Neighbors Thought) by Kathleen Krull
Matiss by Alexander Ilitschewski
Matisse by Nicholas Watkins
Matisse by Jean Selz
Matisse by Caroline Turner
Matisse by Volkmar Essers
Matisse by Jean Guichard-Meili
Matisse by Frederick Brill
Matisse by Margrit Hahnloser-Ingold
Matisse (Artists by Themselves Series) by Rachel Barnes
Matisse (Famous Artists Series) by Antony Mason
Matisse (Great Modern Masters) by Henri Matisse
Matisse (World of Art) by Lawrence Gowing
Matisse / Matiss by Ilichevskiy A. V.
Matisse : cut-out fun with Matisse by Max Hollein
Matisse : His art and his textiles by Royal Academy of Arts
Matisse : The sorrowful king by Elizabeth Amzallag-Augé
Matisse [acrylic] by Jamie Shovlin
Matisse [uncoloured] by Jamie Shovlin
Matisse and Picasso by Françoise Gilot
Matisse and Picasso by Yve-Alain Bois
Matisse and Picasso : The Story of Their Rivalry and Friendship by Jack Flam
Matisse and the Fauves by Renata Negri
Matisse Dance with Joy by Susan Goldman Rubin
Matisse in Morocco : the paintings and drawings, 1912-1913 by Jack Cowart
Matisse in the Cone Collection: The Poetics of Vision by Jack Flam
Matisse in the Studio by Suzanne Preston Blier
Matisse Picasso by Elizabeth Cowling
Matisse Rhythm and Line by Jacqueline Guillaud
The Matisse Stories by A.S. Byatt
Matisse the Master: A Life of Henri Matisse: The Conquest of Colour: 1909-1954 by Hilary Spurling
Matisse, Picasso : ihr künstlerischer Dialog im buchillustrativen Schaffen by Henri Matisse
Matisse, Picasso, and Gertrude Stein, with two shorter stories by Gertrude Stein
Matisse, Picasso, Miro--as I Knew Them by Rosamond Bernier
Matisse: A Portrait by Hayden Herrera
Matisse: a portrait of the artist and the man by Raymond Escholier
Matisse: A Retrospective by Jack Flam
Matisse: Drawing Life by Henri Matisse
Matisse: Father and Son by John Russell
Matisse: fauve period. by Georges Duthuit
Matisse: His Art and His Public by Alfred H. Barr, Jr.
Matisse: The Life by Hilary Spurlingnot in English Common Knowledge
Matisse: The Wonder of Color by Xavier Girard
Midnight in Paris [2011 film] by Woody Allen
Mitchum by Blutch
Modern Art: A Crash Course by Cory Bell
Painting the Modern Garden: Monet to Matisse by Royal Academy of Arts
Paul Klee Le finestre del sole by Pinin Carpi
Pocket Library of Great Art: Matisse by Clement Greenberg
The Sculpture of Henri Matisse, February 10-28, 1953. by Alfred H. Barr Jr.
Sister Wendy's Grand Tour: Discovering Europe's Great Art by Wendy Beckett
Sister Wendy's Story of Painting by Wendy Beckett
Stieglitz and His Artists: Matisse to O'Keeffe (Metropolitan Museum of Art) by Lisa Mintz Messinger
Surrender on Demand by Varian Frynot in English Common Knowledge
Symbolism and Art Nouveau (Phaidon 20th-century art) by Maly Gerhardus
Tangier in the Rain by Fabien Grolleau
Taschen PostcardBook : Henri Matisse : Cut-Outs by Henri Matisse
Taschen PostcardBook : Henri Matisse : Masterpieces by Taschen
Tate Introductions : Matisse by Juliette Rizzi
The Times Great Lives: A Century in Obituaries by Ian Brunskill
The Unknown Matisse by Hilary Spurling
What Are You Looking At?: The Surprising, Shocking, and Sometimes Strange Story of 150 Years of Modern Art by Will Gompertz
The World of Matisse, 1869-1954 by John Russell