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Paul Valéry (1871–1945)

Author of Monsieur Teste

351+ Works 3,223 Members 29 Reviews 20 Favorited

About the Author

Harry T. Moore has written in Twentieth Century French Literature to World War II: "Paul Valery, who published his most important verse between 1917 and 1922, is the greatest French poet the twentieth century has so far produced... .Few modern poets.. .have presented richer experience through their show more verses. Valery.. .could handle abstractions with a living and always poetic concreteness, and put them into comparable verse-music." He was also a critic and aesthetic theorist, interested in art, architecture, and mathematics. His skepticism, malice, and learning brought him both admiration and hostility. Valery had been a member of the Mallarme circle in the 1890s and wrote much symbolist poetry at that time, but an unhappy love affair caused him to fall poetically silent (he earned his living as a journalist) until Gide and others persuaded him, 20 years later, to publish some of his youthful work. He had thought to add a short new poem and instead wrote La Jeune Parque (The Young Fate) (1917), several hundred lines in length. It won him instant recognition in poetic circles. Several collections of his earlier poems were published in the 1920s, as well as the great Cimetiere Marin (Graveyard by the Sea), a powerful meditation on time and mortality. From then until his death in 1945, he wrote chiefly aesthetic theory, criticism, and an unfinished play about Faust. He helped to revive lively interest in the symbolists and had a pervading influence on French culture generally, though his poetry is not easy for the casual reader. His criticism and aesthetic theory had an important influence on the structuralist critics of the 1960s. He was elected to the French Academy in 1925. His Collected Works (1971--75) have been published in expert translations by the Bollingen Foundation. (Bowker Author Biography) show less


Works by Paul Valéry

Monsieur Teste (1896) 344 copies
Poésies (1966) 152 copies
The Art of Poetry (1958) 135 copies
El cementerio marino (1966) 129 copies
La jeune Parque (1960) 86 copies
Dialogues (1956) 80 copies
Idée Fixe (1960) 61 copies
Paul Valery: An Anthology (1977) 59 copies
Valéry : Oeuvres, tome 2 (1960) 54 copies
Degas Dance Drawing (1938) 54 copies
Tel quel (1941) 40 copies
Variété I et II (1924) 39 copies
Charmes (1967) 39 copies
Eupalinos or The Architect (1924) 38 copies
Mon Faust (1946) 36 copies
Sea Shells (1968) 34 copies
Variété (1927) 33 copies
Masters and friends (1968) 24 copies
Cuadernos (1894-1945) (1900) 24 copies
Leonardo, Poe, Mallarmé (1972) 22 copies
Le Bilan de l'intelligence (2011) 20 copies
Alphabet (1999) 18 copies
Occasions (1970) 18 copies
Cahiers / Notebooks 3 (1987) 17 copies
Plays (1960) 16 copies
Variété II 16 copies
Die Krise des Geistes (1956) 15 copies
Charms and Other Pieces (1952) 14 copies
Mauvaises pensees et autres (1942) 13 copies
Variété III 11 copies
De macht van de afwezigheid (2004) 11 copies
Cattivi pensieri (2006) 11 copies
Pièces sur l'art (1934) 11 copies
Variété III, IV et V (2002) 11 copies
Lettres à quelques-uns (1952) 10 copies
Dance and the Soul (1951) 10 copies
Rhumbs (1959) 10 copies
Quaderni (1994) 10 copies
Aesthetics (1964) 9 copies
Narcís (1986) 8 copies
Leonardo en Socrates (1991) 8 copies
Variété V (1945) 8 copies
Tel quel II (1943) 8 copies
Poésies Choisies (1952) 7 copies
Philosophie de la danse (2015) 7 copies
Tel quel I (1971) 7 copies
Prosastycken 7 copies
Die Politik des Geistes (1997) 6 copies
Vues (1993) 5 copies
Opere poetiche (1989) 5 copies
Mélange (1943) 5 copies
Oeuvres, Tome 2 (2016) 5 copies
Œuvres. Tome 3 (2016) 4 copies
Tien charmes 4 copies
O Senhor Teste 4 copies
Azul E O Mar, O (2019) 4 copies
Variete IV 4 copies
Cahiers = Hefte 6. [...] (1993) 4 copies
Anfion (1931) 3 copies
Agathe (1980) 3 copies
Aforismer 3 copies
Discorso sulla fotografia (2005) 3 copies
Mallarmé ed io (1991) 3 copies
Homo politicus (2019) 3 copies
La caccia magica (1985) 3 copies
Opere scelte (2014) 3 copies
Poesie 3 copies
Poésies (2018) 3 copies
Tre dialoghi (2017) 2 copies
Variété I 2 copies
Literární rozmanitosti (1990) 2 copies
Cahier B 1910 2 copies
Autres rhumbs (1934) 2 copies
Ispirazioni mediterranee (2011) 2 copies
La France (1952) 2 copies
Le serpent 2 copies
Suite 2 copies
ヴァレリー詩集 (岩波文庫) (1968) — Author — 2 copies
Littérature 2 copies
Estudios filosóficos (1993) 2 copies
Autobiografia (2015) 2 copies
Estudios literarios (1995) 2 copies
Daumier - 8 ill 2 copies
La creazione artistica (2017) 2 copies
Descartes (2016) 2 copies
Leonardo da Vinci. (1998) 2 copies
Filosofie van de dans (1993) 2 copies
Básně 2 copies
Klaaglied van Psyche (2020) 2 copies
Omking Degas 1 copy
Antología 1 copy
Necessità di poesia (2021) 1 copy
Briefe 1 copy
Pol Valeri (2017) 1 copy
France 1 copy
Cahiers 3-1943 (2006) 1 copy
Scritti sull'arte (2017) 1 copy
Siir Sanati (2020) 1 copy
poesie brute 1 copy
Sémiramis 1 copy
Paul Valéry,... Vues (1948) 1 copy
Mélange (2019) 1 copy
L'invention (1938) — Contributor — 1 copy
Paul Valéry 1 copy
LAS GRANADAS (Poesía) (2016) 1 copy
L'ange 1 copy
Reflexiones (2002) 1 copy
Hefte, Bd.1 (1991) 1 copy
Hefte, Bd.2 (1988) 1 copy
Pozorišta 1 copy
Snovi 1 copy
Scritti su Leonardo (1984) 1 copy
Un poète inconnu. (1944) 1 copy
Souvenirs Poétiques (1942) 1 copy
Storie infrante (2006) 1 copy
Prime prose 1 copy
Swedenborg (2018) 1 copy
L Idée de dictature (2022) 1 copy
Sketch of a Serpent (1987) 1 copy
Poezje 1 copy
Poésies 1 copy

Associated Works

The Eclogues (0037) — Translator, some editions — 835 copies
Critical Theory Since Plato (1971) — Contributor, some editions — 401 copies
Extraordinary Tales (1955) — Contributor — 277 copies
Candide [Norton Critical Edition, 1st ed.] (1966) — Contributor — 156 copies
Gods and Mortals: Modern Poems on Classical Myths (1684) — Contributor — 69 copies
Fairy Tales for Computers (1969) — Contributor — 32 copies
Bucoliques. Géorgiques. Édition de Florence Dupont (1997) — Translator — 21 copies
Fairy Poems (2023) — Contributor — 16 copies
The living thoughts of Descartes (1948) — Editor, some editions — 12 copies
A son of China — Preface, some editions — 1 copy


Common Knowledge



I've only read half of this book, but I'm going to claim full credit anyway. I suspect that some of the subtlety in Valery's thought is lost in translation.
Treebeard_404 | Jan 23, 2024 |
A princípio seriam 24 poemas em prosa para as 24 horas e letras do alfabeto. Seguem a partir desse plano mais livremente, inacabadamente, e a relação com o material também é solta. Talvez essa postura mais sentimental, e a relação da escrita com o âmbito das sensações e de um pensamento que observa as sensações é o que me afasta.

Comprei o livro pela edição bilíngue, porque ando querendo ler mais em francês, mas não sou fluente o suficiente para enfrentar desamparado livros mais poeticamente complexos.… (more)
henrique_iwao | Aug 30, 2022 |
This anthology, in addition to a selection of poems, includes essays, two dialogues, and two selections from Monsieur Teste. The essays are perhaps the most accessible of all the selections. But all of Valery's prose and poetry is stunning and warrants rereading to approach a basic level of understanding.

I was most fascinated with his essay on "The Method of Leonardo". As he put it, he attempted to "go beyond indiscriminate admiration", but it would seem at least in part a form of hubris to be too critical in the case of Leonardo. He struggles to encompass the mind of Leonardo and determine the balance between art and science.

In "The Crisis of the Mind", written in 1919 in response to the Great War we find Valery saying, "And we now see that the abyss of history is deep enough to hold us all. We are aware that a civilization has the same fragility as a life." (p 94) With observations of equal profundity and sufficient poetry to tantalize the reader, this is a volume to be recommended.
… (more)
jwhenderson | 1 other review | May 31, 2021 |



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