Sallust (disambiguation)

"Sallust" is composed of at least 2 distinct authors, divided by their works.

About the Author

Includes the name: George Stuart Sallust

Author Division

Sallust (1)

Works have been aliased into Gaius Sallustius Crispus.

Zeitgeschichte / Historiae (1986) 27 copies
The works of Sallust (1978) 19 copies
Sallust : Catiline (1991) — Writer — 8 copies
Rome and Jugurtha (1992) 6 copies
Invectives 1 copy
CATILINA ET JUGURTHA — Author — 1 copy

Common Knowledge

Disambiguation notice
Do not combine dissimilar names with split authors.

1.) Gaius Sallustius Crispus (86 BC – c. 35 BC) - historian

2.) 'Sallust' - pseudonymous author of books about British military involvement in Afghanistan