Henry Roth (disambiguation)

"Henry Roth" is composed of at least 4 distinct authors, divided by their works.

About the Author

Includes the name: Henry Roth

Author Division

Henry Roth (1)

Call It Sleep (1934) 2,114 copies
A Diving Rock on the Hudson (1995) 164 copies
From Bondage (1996) 141 copies
Requiem for Harlem (1998) 110 copies
Shifting Landscape (1987) 95 copies
Neurotica: Jewish Writers on Sex (1999) — Contributor — 86 copies
A Golden Treasure of Jewish Literature (1937) — Contributor — 76 copies
An American Type (2010) 71 copies

Common Knowledge

Disambiguation notice
There are more than one authors here.
Henry Roth (b. 1906) is the American novelist and short story writer who has written most of these books.
Henry Roth (b. 1916) is the author of Master violinists in performance and Violin virtuosos.