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2 Works 197 Members 10 Reviews

Works by Adam D. Roberts


Common Knowledge




4.5 really (I don't do many 5s)

Have enjoyed Adam Roberts blog, so knew I'd like this conglomerate cookbook/how-to.

One of those where I want to try so many of the recipes I need to run right out (to his blog?!) and buy it!
kmajort | Feb 9, 2018 |
Underwhelming, uninspired, and a bit too much navel-gazing for my taste. There is a plethora of cooking memories on the shelves: this one just feels under-cooked.
Mad.River.Librarian | 8 other reviews | Apr 23, 2014 |
This book follows the writing that can be seen at Adam's blog. I loved how the chapters were broken down. The recipes included were good ones that I have ear marked to try. Having read his blog since '04 it felt like reading a book written by a friend. Two chapters really resonated with me. My favorite being the one that deals with the awkwardness that can be dining alone. Overall a quick enjoyable read.
dms02 | 8 other reviews | Feb 27, 2014 |
This book made me remember why I used to read AG's blog every day... and why I probably should do so again. If there is one flaw, it's surely in the marketing of the book. From the cover, with its apparently "too cute to be mercifully ignored" subtitle of "Shop, Chop, and Table-Hop Like a Pro," it sounds like this is a handy guide to A-to-Z lessons in specific pro cooking and dining techniques.Sure, the book offers this in spirit, but the real value in the work is that it's the memoir of a foodie in the making. Just look at the author's somewhat contradictory title: "Amateur Gourmet." Sometimes the AG is the leader, sometimes he's the follower, and in the middle you have the charm and flop sweat of the amateur sharing equal billing with the passion and determination of the gourmet. Throw in a clear prose and light wit, and you have a winner.Well, in theory.The AG's voice and enthusiasm is why so many of us loved (and hopefully still love - I have some resubscribing to do) his blog. Unfortunately, just as some may be disappointed to find too much musing, the fanboys (and girls) may not find enough.Read the blog, and you know the AG is a creature of many stories. Many, many stories. Therefore I blame someone in the publishing process for having him skirt the anecdotes and breathlessly run right through the must-do gems, like the Janet Jackson cupcake that brought him all this attention in the first place. Even I, a lapsed reader, can remember so many adventures that could inspire others along the journey Adam has started (laughing all the way). And isn't that the real point of this work? Yes, this is nice, neat, well-organized volume, but - heavy sigh! - it's not what the cover says and it's not (enough of) what the author is known for.And no, I don't just say this because, if there's been more stories, then maybe the first AG contest would've been mentioned, the one where readers were challenged to do something "zany." Okay, I admit it - I was the winner! I threw my hamster a birthday party, trying many new recipes, techniques, and presentation styles in the process. And guess what? My family now does it every year, trying something new each time. There's even an annual T-shirt!So, I know firsthand what an inspiration the AG can be. His book reminded me of those good times, but I'm afraid it was just a glimpse hiding behind a confusing cover. Still, there are worse things one can say than "the food is delicious, but such small portions!" I wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone who has to use the verb "cook" with air quotes when speaking about themselves. (Likewise, if you've ever avoided a restaurant experience because you weren't sure how you'd fit in, you better give the AG's philosophy a go.)… (more)
PocketPet | 8 other reviews | Apr 19, 2010 |


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