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Olivia Rivers

Author of Tone Deaf

6 Works 123 Members 12 Reviews


Works by Olivia Rivers


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Original de: El Blog del Gato - El Extraño Gato del Cuento

Tone Deaf, es otra prueba que las editoriales independientes y no tan conocidas tienden a tener los mejores libros. O quizá solo para mí, quién sabe.

Este libro ha sido muy especial, ya que a diferencia de muchos libros sobre alguien que tiene que vivir con una discapacidad luego que un accidente transformó su vida "normal" y solo drama gira alrededor de ello, y es diferente porque Ali, la protagonista acepta su sordera y busca hacer todo lo posible para llevar su vida lo más normal posible. Me gustó mucho como la escritora lleva la historia en ese sentido, porque siendo sinceros, habría sido tan fácil dirigir la historia desde un punto fatalista, donde chico-salva-chica y así sin nada relevante. Tone Deaf es genial en ese sentido.

Olivia Rivers, como digo no idealiza (o "romantiza", aún no se si esa es una palabra :v) la discapacidad, en el caso de Ali, se muestra el abuso que muchas personas con discapacidad sufren diariamente por no caer en la etiqueta de "normal", mientras que con Jace, esta el otro lado de la no idealización, que es que no porque tengas una discapacidad inmediatamente eres un santo, libre de cualquier tipo de pecado. Siento que es importante poner más de este tipo de cosas en los libros, no la violencia, pero sí diversificar las personalidades de personas con discapacidad en ficción, porque aunque un tanto extremista en este caso, la realidad es que una discapacidad no dirige tu personalidad.

Even if I can't love you, I will love you

Creo que lo criticable es que me faltó un poco más de tiempo para meterme totalmente en el romance, es bonito, pero muy insta-love, y un poco más de desarrollo en el desenlace, quizá es porque soy desconfiada por naturaleza y pienso lo peor de la gente, pero fue sumamente obvio quién fue el culpable de cierto asunto.

O de repente solo soy muy mal pensada

Tone Deaf si bien no es un libro perfecto, para mí fue tan bonito, no solo por las historias de Ali y Jace y cómo mencionadas historias se cruzan, sino también por los personajes secundarios, Arrow y Killer son extremadamente adorables, y se me hizo imposible no conectarme con Jon.

Si estás buscando algo que salga de lo encasillado, pero con una historia bonita y sencilla, además con una narración fluida y rápida, Tone Deaf es una buenísima opción.

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Ella_Zegarra | 5 other reviews | Jan 18, 2022 |
I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this book. Despite the off-putting first appearance of our hero, rock star Jace, he quickly redeems himself. Both Ali and Jace are broken and products of abusive homes. Jace sees himself in Ali and offers her an escape.

I was impressed at how Rivers handled some pretty heavy topics, such as child abuse and PTSD. I really connected with both Ali and Jace, and just wanted to give them both giant hugs.

I sped through this in one night, and immediately looked up what else the author has written.… (more)
wisemetis | 5 other reviews | Dec 6, 2020 |
“I am a rock trapped below a waterfall, slowly disintegrating under a constant, insistent barrage of pressure. Pressure not to fail school, pressure not to gain weight, pressure to love the parents who are not my parents, pressure not to open my skin and not shut out the world. Pressure to keep breathing, when all I want is to switch places with Hope and lay down in a cool, clean pressure free morgue. After all, Hope didn’t deserve to die, and she’s always been better than me at living.”

I read this book when I was in a bad headspace. I hated my body and thought if I started purging I would get the body of my dreams. Thank goodness, I read this book during that time, it showed me what could happen to me if I continued on that path. I will forever be grateful for In Hope of Memories.

In Hope of Memories is about a girl called Hope that before dying of a rare heart condition, sets up a scavenger hunt for her four closest friends, Aiden, Kali, Erik, and Sam. Together they must solve and finish the scavenger hunt, even if it means they will have to face their biggest fear head on.

Aiden- He won my heart over instantly. His struggles felt so real, I could feel his pain and loneliness.
Kali- She is the character I relate to the most, I constantly feel like all I ever do is harm others.
Erik- I have mixed feelings about him, at times he can be a really big jerk, especially to Aiden. However, I don’t think he actually means everything he says, he is just angry and need someone to take it out on.
Sam- She is an okay character, I didn’t love her nor hate her. What I really didn’t like was her writing style in her POV, it really annoyed me.

P.S If you are an author don’t be afraid to message me about your book or vlog, I will happily check it out and support you. However, if it’s a book please make sure that your book is either Middle Grade or YA, I will not check it out if it’s new adult or adult.
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Vivanna | 2 other reviews | Jan 10, 2020 |
Well this was the perfect read. I loved Jace and Ali together. The band dynamic was awesome and the situation Ali was in was heartbreaking. I was so scared for her but of course everything ended happily. I do think there is the damsel in distress thing that some people might not like but I didn't feel that way. Jace was helping Ali get away from her abuser.
I do wish that the relationship didn't start so soon. I didn't think it was instalove or anything but it did start pretty fast. I would have also liked more music to be intertwined with the story.… (more)
AdrianaGarcia | 5 other reviews | Jul 10, 2018 |




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