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Michelle Richmond

Author of The Year of Fog

17+ Works 2,735 Members 276 Reviews 13 Favorited

About the Author

Includes the name: Michelle Richmond

Image credit: Michelle Richmond at home in Northern California, the setting of THE YEAR OF FOG, GOLDEN STATE, & NO ONE YOU KNOW


Works by Michelle Richmond

The Year of Fog (2007) 1,365 copies
No One You Know (2008) 553 copies
The Marriage Pact (2017) 463 copies
Golden State (2014) 143 copies
Dream of the Blue Room (2011) 96 copies
The Wonder Test (2021) 71 copies
Hum (2014) 4 copies
Flash in the Attic: 33 Very Short Stories (2013) — Editor — 1 copy
Flash in the Attic 2: 44 Very Short Stories (2016) — Editor — 1 copy
El pacto (2018) 1 copy
I ze cie nie opuszcze (2018) 1 copy

Associated Works

Bookmark Now: Writing in Unreaderly Times (2005) — Contributor — 254 copies
By the Seat of My Pants (2005) — Contributor — 145 copies
Tales from Nowhere (2006) — Contributor — 126 copies
Logorrhea: Good Words Make Good Stories (2007) — Contributor — 120 copies
Bad Girls: 26 Writers Misbehave (2007) — Contributor — 64 copies
Alabama Noir (2020) — Contributor — 38 copies
Stories from the Blue Moon CafĂ© II (2003) — Contributor — 30 copies
Best American Fantasy 2 (2009) — Contributor — 20 copies
A Kudzu Christmas: Twelve Mysterious Tales (2005) — Contributor — 13 copies
The Alumni Grill: Anthology of Southern Writers (2004) — Contributor — 12 copies
Glimmer Train Stories, #60 (2006) — Contributor — 8 copies


Common Knowledge



Found: Book like Heart Goes Last in Name that Book (August 2021)


This story of a photographer whose fiance's daughter is kidnapped while in her care has superb descriptions of photography, San Francisco and Costa Rica but the paces is uneven with humdrum padded portions while awaiting the exciting denouement.
featherbooks | 84 other reviews | May 7, 2024 |
Original heading: The Marriage Pact - progress 0%

Noooooooooooooooooooo I hate first-person-present-tense!

I'm going to wait until after the this first scene to make sure the whole book isn't like this. If so I'm DNFing this and giving it the lowest possible rating.


The good news is that the FP-present-tense only lasted for the 1st chapter, and the remainder that I was able to read was normal FP-past-tense. The bad news is that, after 6 chapters and 36 minutes of audio (yes I was checking my watch), it just wasn't very interesting. I didn't know anything about the characters except their occupations and their wedding, and frankly didn't give a rip what The Pact was, or why it matters, or what happened to the couple.

DNF at 5%.

Audiobook, borrowed from my public library. Tom Taylorson's performance was okay.
… (more)
Doodlebug34 | 79 other reviews | Jan 1, 2024 |
Umm Im not entirely sure what i have just read lol.
It took a bit of getting into but it sucks you in and its a case of curiosity killed the cat! You have to keep reading just to satisfy the curiosity this book throws up.
Its extremely well written even if the plot is a wee bit far fetched, but it will be a book you certainly remember reading for a long time after you finish the last page.
The story is based around newly wed couple Jake and Alice and is told from Jakes point of view.
You hear of people getting terrible wedding presents or weird random wedding gifts but i have to say Jake and Alice's present from one of her clients has to top them all!!
The gift is a beautiful wooden box carved with the words The Pact that is locked with no key. It is an invitation to join an exclusive group for married couples that claims to help you maintain a happy successful marriage for life.
The Pact has rules and these rules must be adhered too at all times or there will be consequences.
Rules such as
Always answer when your spouse calls.
Exchange thoughtful gifts each month.
Plan a trip once per quarter.
Have no secrets from your spouse.
Unfortunately our newly loved up couple they sign the contracted and join The Pact before reading the large copy of rules!
To start off with it is more than they could have hoped for, they are swept away with the glittering world of dinner parties and vacations but they soon realise that they have tied themselves into a cult, a cult that won't let you leave and who's punishments for breaking the rules are a lot more serious than they could ever have imagined.
Alice is the first to break one of the rules just by spending to long at her office and her punishment served is taken for two days into a desert compound that seems to be an abandoned prison.
And thats just the beginning, The Pact has its own judicial system with actual prisons, courts and torture chambers and if even the smallest rule is broken you find yourself in court to be sentenced.
Jake and Alice's lives are soon consumed by The Pact with seemingly no way out.
Can their marriage survive and what will it take to break away and escape from the hell they signed up too.
Definitely a book to put in your tbr pile :-)
… (more)
DebTat2 | 79 other reviews | Oct 13, 2023 |
A strange wedding gift, an invitation to a culture to strengthen a marriage, turns into a nightmare. Do they survive? Are things as they appear? Very engrossing and entertaining story.
LivelyLady | 79 other reviews | Sep 3, 2023 |


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