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H J Ramsay

Author of Ever Alice

1 Work 39 Members 8 Reviews

Works by H J Ramsay

Ever Alice (2019) 39 copies


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I love Alice in Wonderland retellings and this one felt much closer in aesthetic to the original! I liked getting to read from the Queen of Hearts perspective as she was much more interesting than Alice. That ending took me by surprise, maybe not completely in a good way. 3.5/ 5 stars! I enjoyed reading the book but the ending wasn’t my jam and Alice was too passive. Still worth the read if you love Wonderland stories!
cozygaminglibrarian | 7 other reviews | Dec 14, 2023 |

Book source ~ BBNYA

Alice is 15 now and her parents have tried everything to get her help for the stories she tells of her time in Wonderland. Nothing works so they reluctantly stick her in an asylum where she undergoes shitty “treatment” in an effort to cure her. When that doesn’t work the Dr. in charge rushes her off to a Dr. in Switzerland who has had “amazing” results with his breakthrough cutting edge controversial treatment. Yeah, it’s not specifically stated, but we all know what he’s going to do to Alice. Before it happens though the White Rabbit pulls her back to Wonderland. He and his resistance pals need her help in killing the Queen of Hearts. Oh, dear. Do you think she can?

Man, the mentally ill have been mistreated for so long that it’s just unreal to read about it. And this experimental procedure they want to do to Alice is the absolute worst. Ugh. No wonder she retreated back to Wonderland. Or is Wonderland real, too? Hmmmm… This story reminds me a lot of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode titled: Normal Again (S6:E17). It totally fucks with my mind.

This story is confusing, silly, heart breaking, and uplifting all at the same time. It’s been over four decades since I read Alice in Wonderland so I only have the vaguest of memories to compare to this retelling. I do enjoy getting more than just Alice’s POV and finding out more about the Queen of Hearts and Wonderland with all the Houses, politics, and scheming that surrounds them all. If you’re a fan of Alice in Wonderland then I think this is a story you won’t want to miss.
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AVoraciousReader | 7 other reviews | Feb 1, 2021 |
When Alice came back from Wonderland, her tales of White Rabbits, Mad Hatters, and insane queens landed her in an asylum. She's 15 years old now and keeps trying to explain to her parents and anyone else who will listen that her stories are TRUE and that she is not insane. But nobody will listen. The doctors want to try an experimental treatment on her, but instead she escapes, returning to Wonderland. But, Wonderland isn't much better than the real world....the queen is still quite insane. Alice didn't expect to be asked to kill her.

This is an interesting sequel to Alice in Wonderland. I liked it for the most part, except for the very end. I love Lewis Carroll's original so I happily read this re-imagining. The story is well-written and very interesting. I couldn't put it down! In the end, I just found it a bit too dark and depressing. Alice being treated like she is mentally ill was just a bit much for me.

Interesting story. Awesome new vision for a sequel. But it does touch on some dark and disturbing themes. Public execution. Mental illness. Extreme medical procedures.

I would definitely read more by this author. Ever Alice is her first book.

**I voluntarily read a review copy of this book from Red Rogue Press via NetGalley. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.**
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JuliW | 7 other reviews | Nov 22, 2020 |
Please note that I received this book via NetGalley. This did not affect my rating or review.

Well not too much to say here besides the fact I didn't enjoy reading this one. I am always down for a fresh take on a retelling of a classic fairy tale, but Ramsay didn't do a good job of developing Alice or the Queen of Hearts. The flow of the book was not very good and I thought the setting of Wonderland could have been done up a lot more than it was. The ending also was a head scratcher to me.

"Ever Alice" follows a 15 year old Alice who has been packed away in an asylum by her parents. Though Alice keeps insisting that Wonderland and the White Rabbit are real, her family doesn't believe her. Now that she's older she still hopes she will be allowed to return home to celebrate her sister's upcoming marriage. However, things change again for her when she is taken to a new place that is dangerous to her. And when the White Rabbit shows again, Alice has a chance to return to Wonderland or be lost forever.

Ramsay decides to focus on not just a 15 year old Alice, but an older Queen of Hearts too. Honestly that ends up being a mistake. The writing between the two characters could not be more dissimilar. I ended up skimming a lot of the Queen of Hearts scenes because it was so repetitive. She's a mess and there's a lot of conspiracies surrounding her that I did not care one iota about. And I have to say that it doesn't get better when we switch to Alice's POV. This Alice is not that smart, but also sits around jealous because she has fallen for the Queen of Hearts son Thomas and wants him to pay attention to her. She's freaking 15 and hasn't even been around boys it would seem and her obsessing about Thomas and her "mission" just didn't get together very well.

Other familiar characters from Wonderland show up her, the Cheshire cat, The White Rabbit, The Mad Hatter, The March Hare, etc. and none of them shone. There is a plot line about the Queen of Hearts and why Alice is rescued by the White Rabbit that made zero sense. And it just felt like Ramsay wanted to mix things up a bit and make this book more similar to the Alice in Wonderland movies directed by Tim Burton. But with an even more shallow look at characters.
The flow was not that good. I think jumping back and forth between Alice and the Queen of Hearts wasn't a good idea. When Ramsay gets to the ending though is when things take an even more strange turn. One wonders if the author is hoping to turn this into a duology or what.

The setting of Wonderland was flat to me. I just finished "A Blade so Black" and I had the same issues while reading this book that I did while reading that. This book reads as if the author has just a low level knowledge of the Lewis Carroll works and doesn't do anything new with them and or doesn't expand on them in different ways. Besides people talking in an exhausting way, there's not that much there with Wonderland.

The ending was a letdown and I was just glad to put this book down in the end.
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ObsidianBlue | 7 other reviews | Jul 1, 2020 |


