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7 Works 93 Members 2 Reviews

About the Author

Cynthia Olsen has authored and published books on natural health since 1989. Her book Essiac: A Native Herbal Cancer Remedy received the Small Press Book Award in Medicine. In addition to her role as mother to her five children and her role as Nonna for her eight grandchildren, Cynthia is a show more lifelong supporter and exponent of holistic living. show less

Includes the name: Cynthia B. Olsen

Works by Cynthia Olsen


Common Knowledge




Good "basic" reading for someone just getting interested in Essiac and wanting to learn more about it. The author does not provide direct medical references to prove the claims written about each ingredient used in Essiac. It's more of a copycat book...information already published in earlier journals. It's impossible to know which "facts" are obtained from what source because they are not specifically referenced. Because of Big Pharm, and lack of funding, there has not been a lot of scientific research with Essiac and cancer. But, there are thousands who have testified of Essiac's curability to kill cancer...and they are living proof. If anything, it's another arsenal to add to your fight against cancer. Rene Caisse had an 80% success rate with her terminally ill cancer patients. Also, since the herbs used to make Essiac are all detoxifiers, I would consider drinking shots of this tea to help cleanse the body of all the poisons we are subjected to today. There's nothing wrong with a little prevention.

Here you can read up on a brief history of Essiac and Rene Caisse, and on some helpful alternatives to add to your cancer therapy regimen. There is a formula provided, but I'm not sure whose formula since the original is supposedly still under lock and key. Plus, I didn't understand the instructions. You get a brief, unscientific low-down on each herb used for making the tea. She talks a little on nutrition and vitamins, and mental and physical exercises, used to help combat cancer. I noticed that each vitamin and nutrient mentioned, you can get by eating your greens. So, EAT YOUR LEAFY GREENS!!! It's all very basic, but still useful information. Can continue to learn more from others and how it is helping them, and how it can help you, by following the Facebook group called, "Essiac Tea Users Group".
A to Z Alphabet Reading Challenge - (E)
Although a medicinal herbal remedy used well before Rene Caisse's time, she gets credit for it's widespread use in the healing of cancer, and for the name, which is Caisse spelled backwards...Essiac.

The Obijwa's, or the Anishinabe tribe, from the Atlantic coast of Canada, were the original Native healers who have always known and used these combination of herbs (burdock, sheep sorrel, turkey rhubarb, and slippery elm bark) in their healing. Rene Caisse obtained her formula from a woman she met at a local market who was treating her cancer from a recipe she obtained from a local Native medicine man of Ontario, Canada.

Caisse, being a registered nurse, started administering this herbal concoction to terminally ill cancer patients and getting an 80% success rate of survival. Of course, Big Pharm and the government threatened her numerous times of taking her license, or even throwing her in jail, but she was providing the herbal remedy for FREE. She never charged one patient, so was free of committing any medical crimes. She sold her formula for $1.00 in 1979 to the Resperin Corporation, the year before she died. To-date, the "exact" formula is still under lock and key. But, their are many companies out there now selling "Essiac" tea, or something similar, using the same ingredients, but different formulas.

The root is used for Essiac. Stems, flowers, and seeds are used in other ways medicinally. Young leaves can be used as culinary use in salads and such. A close relative of echinacea and dandelion. Harvest the long fleshy gray roots in the fall of the first year OR in the spring of the second year.

Therapeutic: Immune system strengthener, cleanses lymphatic system, tonic for liver, kidney and lungs, purifies blood, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, has tumor-protective compounds. Leaves: promote bile secretion and is good tonic for liver and gallbladder, an infusion can be used as a skin wash for burns, ringworms, acne and rashes, a poultice using leaf material will treat GOUT. [Try this on Ben's gout.]

Once ounce of burdock root makes one quart of tea.

Whole plant and leaves are used in Essiac, although it has recently been proven that the roots are most beneficial for cancer patients. A premade mix should contain 25% roots. Harvest plants early in tbe day or in late afternoon May through August before it flowers and goes to seed in September.

Therapeutic: The whole herb when young and fresh state acts as diuretic and blood cleanser, improves liver, intestinal and bowel functions, prevents destruction of red blood cells, and is used to break down tumors. The leaves: High in chlorophyll, which helps to carry oxygen through bloodstream strengthening cell walls, helps remove deposits in blood vessels, and allows body to store and use more oxygen. Sheep sorrel is taken for inflammatory diseases, tumors, incipient cancers, and urine and kidney diseases.

One bushel fresh herb makes one pound powder.

Root stock ONLY of older plants, without the periderm, are used in Essiac.

Therapeutic: Used for centuries for larger doses, and used to treat smaller doses, an astringent, used in purging treatment, stimulates the colon, promotes bile flow, clearing stasis and restoring stomach and liver, soothes digestion, cleanses the liver, anti-tumor, an aid for jaundice, sores, and cancers.

Soak the root stock in cold water to make a cold extract or use chopped, powdered dry herb or tincture.

For calming and astringent effect: 1/4 tsp. powdered or 6 drops tincture every 60 minutes.

For gastrointestinal stasis or as a laxative: 1 tsp. powdered, 1/4 - 1/2 T. tincture, or 1 T. cold extract liquid.

WARNING: The leaf blades are very poisonous, causing vomiting and liver and kidney damage.

Inner bark is used in Essiac.

Therapeutic: For nervous problems, stomach and intestines, sore throats and coughs, contains inulin which helps liver, spleen, and pancreas, promotes urination, disperses swelling, and acts as a laxative.

Peel bark from older trees when sap is still running. Pull the juicy quarter-inch-thick inner bark away in long strips and let dry. The powdered bark can be mixed with hot milk or water and made i to nutritious breakfast meal or relaxing nighttime drink.

Suppository for soothing inflamed colon: Heat cocoa butter over hot water, stir in slippery elm. Allow to cool and roll into several boluses the width of middle finger cut into 1" lengths. When they have hardened, insert vaginally by a tampon which will control the melting that will occur

As a poutice: Treats burns, respiratory infections, fevers, wounds, bouls, and skin infections.

No toxicity for internal oe external use found.


6-1/2 cups Burdock Root
16 oz. (scale) Sheep Sorrel (powder)
4 oz. (scale) Slippery Elm Bark (powder)
1 oz. (scale) Turkey Rhubarb Root (powder)

8 cups = use 2 gallons water
4 cups = use 1 gallon water

(Not clear on these instructions!)

Bring water to boil. Add herbsand boil for 10 minutes, cover and turn off heat. Let sit 12 hours. Bottle and refrigerate.

Other herbs that can be added:

DANDELION ROOT - clears obstructions and stimulates liver to help in detoxifying poisons, cleers obstruction of spleen, pancreas, gallbladder, bladder and kidney.

MULLEIN FLOWERS - respiratory ailments, expectorant, demulcent for lungs, urinary irritability, diuretic, lymphatic congestion.

FENUGREEK SEEDS - tonic, astringent, demulcent, emollient, and expectorant, for all mucous conditions and lung congestion. Eliminates excess mucous, useful for ulcers and inflamed conditions of the stomach and intestines. Used for gout and diabetes.

RED ROOT - strengthen intestinal tissues, improves the positive charge of the blood, strengthens bogginess of lymph pulp and nodes, increases efficiency of transport of nutrients from blood across capillary cells to the lymph and increased efficiency of lymph transport of waste products away from the cells and eventually back to the blood and liver. For breast cysts, fluid cysts, ovarian cysts, testicular hydroceles, tonsil and sinus inflammations, dore throats, nosebleeds, hemorrhoids, and old ulcers.

OCOTILLO - For pelvic fluid congestion, lymphatic and veinous, poor fluid movement and congestion in lower viscera and pelvis, improves dietary fat absorbtion into lymph system, hemmoroids, cervical varicosites, benign prostrate enlargements, frquent need to urinate, varicose veins, and piles worsened by constipation or poor digestion.


Beta carotene, vitamin E and selenium shown to reduce cancer by 13%.
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MissysBookshelf | 1 other review | Aug 27, 2023 |
This therapy is rich in testimonials, but testimonials prove nothing. How does it work? Does it work? Is it effective? The author admits that it does not work in all cases. She calls it a “remedy” rather than a cure. This is herbal medicine and some of its herbs are toxic. Burdock root, for example, is “anti-bacterial and anti-fungal,” which means it is toxic to living things. Of course, one could argue that all medicines are toxic. It is “an excellent immune system strengthener,” which probably means it provokes or irritates the immune system to act. It mimics estrogen, which might be dangerous. On page 96 it says that Essiac tea “enhances Natural Killer Cell activities.” Again, this could be a reaction to the toxicity of the tea itself. Some of the testimonials come from Resperin Corporation, which has a vested interest to protect.

On pages 95 and 96 the book attempts to explain how the therapy works, but it is speculative. The herbs are said to contain compounds, complex sugars, glycosides, herbal alkaloids, etc., that have anti-tumor properties. I’ll have to leave it at that.

This book goes beyond mere herbal therapy into body, mind, and spirit connections. Exercise, diet, visualization, meditation, stress reduction are all discussed. I like its emphasis on stress reduction. Dr. Jim Chan, one of the three authors, concludes about cancer that “management of stress and a healthy life style is the best cure.”

The directions for brewing this tea are confusing because they involve ounces, tablespoons, gallons, and cups. Plus “liquid ounces” and “scale weight ounces” and “measuring cup ounces.” It is hard to work with so many different units of measurement.

Essiac tea therapy is very complicated biochemistry. This book is good as far as it goes, but leaves many questions unanswered.
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pjsullivan | 1 other review | Apr 15, 2016 |



½ 3.4

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