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Brian Mooney

Author of Shaping history

15+ Works 87 Members 4 Reviews

About the Author

Brian Mooney is a prize-winning journalist who spent 30 years with Reuters, reporting and working in more than, 50 countries. He was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize and. won an Overseas Press Club of America Award for his coverage of Poland during the Solidarity Revolution. Frank Baines: A Life show more Beyond the Sea is his fourth book. show less

Includes the names: Brian Mooney, Брайан Муни


Works by Brian Mooney

Associated Works

Shadows Over Innsmouth (1994) — Contributor — 372 copies
The Mammoth Book of Wolf Men (1994) — Contributor — 164 copies
The Mammoth Book of Dracula (1997) — Contributor — 114 copies
The Mammoth Book of Frankenstein (1994) — Contributor — 98 copies
Dark Detectives: An Anthology of Supernatural Mysteries (1999) — Contributor — 93 copies
The Mammoth Book of New Terror (2004) — Contributor — 86 copies
The Giant Book of Fantasy and the Supernatural (1994) — Contributor — 65 copies
Final Shadows (1991) — Contributor — 40 copies
In the Footsteps of Dracula: Tales of the Un-Dead Count (2017) — Contributor — 27 copies
Dark Voices 5 (1993) — Contributor — 9 copies


Common Knowledge




Grandes líderes dão forma à história. Por meio de sua visão e integridade, paixão e perseverança, bem como a disposição para enfrentar riscos, eles desafiam crenças e mudam o curso da vida das pessoas. Alguns nasceram em posições de poder, outros receberam o papel de líderes, mas todos eles possuem a habilidade para agarrar as oportunidades quando elas surgem e o carisma para persuadir os outros a seguir sua liderança. 100 Grandes Líderes revela alguns dos mais renomados, notórios e plausíveis entre os líderes. Examina a habilidade e o talento para a liderança de cada um e analisa os efeitos que a vida deles tiveram na história. Nem todos os cem grandes líderes deste livro foram cosmopolitas, virtuosos, e alguns tinham falhas sérias, mas todos eles deixaram sua marca no mundo e fizeram a diferença em nosso modo de vida atual. 416 págnas.… (more)
melissa.gamador | 1 other review | Sep 5, 2014 |
В этой книге собраны жизнеописания ста великих людей, чье пребывание на этой земле запомнилось современникам и до сих пор вдохновляет потомков. Правители, военачальники, религиозные лидеры и первооткрыватели, жившие в самых разных уголках мира в самые разные времена от Будды до Петра Первого, от Чингисхана до Христофора Колумба, от Уинстона Черчилля до Михаила Горбачева, реализовали свои амбиции, тщеславие или альтруистические порывы, изменив попутно жизнь всего мира.

Великолепный подарок для всех, кто интересуется феноменом лидерства, ролью личности в истории и ценит высококлассные эксклюзивные издания.
… (more)
Flagged | 1 other review | Sep 10, 2012 |
I enjoyed reading this account of a walk from Essex via London to Rome. The prose is good as one would expect from a seasoned journalist, and the book is full of interesting short stories. However the author is clearly a journalist not a novelist, and I found the whole experience rather un-involving. Perhaps - as one who has done the walk to Santiago - I found this rather self sufficient and wealthy pilgrim a little off-putting. Few could afford to take 2 1/2 months holiday and spend it staying in 4 star hotels, calling on the the service of masseuses at whim. But I think it is rather the lack of any account of his deeper reflections that is the problem - he hints at his feelings of 'not being a real pilgrim' and also no knowing quite why he is doing the walk, and he also speaks of some of the physical challenges. But when, about two thirds of the way through he says "reading between the lines, you may have guessed: I was on the point of calling it a day" (181) my reaction was "no I hadn't guessed - you have not been giving me enough of the inner journey"… (more)
TonyMilner | Jul 6, 2012 |
Very inside baseball. Much settling of scores by the authors, who are ex-Reuters writers. Goes much faster if you skip over the grey pull quotes.
athenasowl | Jan 27, 2007 |

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