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S. P. Miskowski

Author of Knock Knock

15+ Works 204 Members 18 Reviews 1 Favorited

Works by S. P. Miskowski

Knock Knock (2011) 73 copies
I Wish I Was Like You (2017) 31 copies
The Worst Is Yet to Come (2019) 27 copies
Delphine Dodd (2012) 18 copies
Astoria (2013) 17 copies
Strange is the Night (2017) 7 copies
The Best of Both Worlds (2020) 4 copies
Stag in Flight 2 copies
Muscadines 2 copies
The red room 1 copy

Associated Works

Haunted Nights (2017) — Contributor — 191 copies
The Best Horror of the Year Volume Ten (2018) — Contributor — 66 copies
Tales from a Talking Board (2017) — Contributor — 51 copies
Autumn Cthulhu (2016) — Contributor — 44 copies
Cassilda's Song (2015) — Contributor — 39 copies
Dark Matter Presents Human Monsters: A Horror Anthology (2022) — Contributor — 35 copies
October Dreams II (Anthology) (2016) — Contributor — 29 copies
The Madness of Dr. Caligari (2016) — Contributor — 18 copies
Nox Pareidolia (2019) — Contributor — 11 copies
Uncertainties - Volume III (2018) — Contributor — 7 copies
Nowhereville: Weird Is Other People (2019) — Contributor — 6 copies
Nightmare Magazine, September 2013 (2013) — Contributor — 6 copies
Mother: Tales of Love and Terror (2022) — Contributor — 6 copies
The Leaves of a Necronomicon (2018) — Contributor — 5 copies
Sisterhood: Dark Tales and Secret Histories (2018) — Contributor — 4 copies


Common Knowledge

Legal name
Miskowski, S. P.
Decatur, Georgia, USA
Places of residence
Decatur, Georgia, USA
University of Washington
Wily Writers
Awards and honors
National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship
Short biography
Grew up in Decatur, Georgia. Earned an M.F.A. at the University of Washington. Received two Swarthout student prizes for short fiction, and two NEA Fellowships (for fiction and drama). Commissioned by New City Theater and produced by numerous companies including Live Girls! Theater ("Emerald City"). Nominated for American Theatre Critics Association/Steinberg New Play Award for "my new friends (are so much better than you)." Fiction published by Identity Theory, Other Voices, Horror Bound Online Magazine, Supernatural Tales 21. Novel "Knock Knock" published by Omnium Gatherum.



Wow, ASTONISHLY bad. Has this person ever actually been to Seattle? "Crumbling Victorian mansions on the edge of Mercer Island" ????? It's ok to not intimately know every nuance of a town...but NOT if your whole premise is trying to create the mood of Seattle in the 90s, and drop as many street names and landmarks you've ever read about in every sentence. Gross.
PNWGirl | 1 other review | Sep 21, 2021 |
I read this book with my Shelfari horror group. I enjoyed it!

Knock Knock is the story of three young girls that brought something to life. Something that will follow them for the rest of their days.

I thought this a well written story with good character development. I got to know the three women rather well over the course of their lives, and I enjoyed that.The pacing was okay- there were a couple of portions that dragged a little bit, but the ending more than made up for the slow spots.

I enjoy not being able to predict the ending of a book and this one ended in a surprising way. Overall, I really enjoyed this novel. Recommended for fans of supernatural horror.
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Charrlygirl | 7 other reviews | Mar 22, 2020 |
Small town living-it's just the best, right? There's none of that violence you hear about in big cities and the people are friendlier too or so we've all heard. Unfortunately, none of that applies to Skillute.

A couple and their young daughter move to Skillute for exactly the reasons listed above. But Skillute is a dying town, and as it turns out? The people are really not that friendly. Especially, if like the Davis family, you're coming from liberal-town USA. It's not only the politics of the situation that keep the Davis family isolated though, it's Skillute itself.

When the Davis' daughter, Tasha, finally makes friends with a new classmate, Briar, her parents are excited, yet fearful. Briar isn't all they had hoped for -being from a broken family and all. But Tasha and Briar's friendship soon becomes more solid, with their secrets being the thread that stitches them together. What are their secrets? What is wrong with Skillute? You'll have to read this to find out!

Over the last few years, I've forgotten how much I enjoyed the work of S.P. Miskowski. She writes a quiet kind of horror which is the kind I prefer these days. The town of Skillute reminds me in some ways of Charles L. Grant's Oxrun Station. The history of Skillute can be found in a few of Miskowski's other books, (THE SKILLUTE CYCLE), but it's not necessary to read them to "get" this one. They all take place in different time periods so that the history of Skillute unfolds in front of you, mostly through the eyes of its women.

There are ghosts in this town, there are witches and there are spirits as of yet undefined. Not everything is spelled out for you like a game of Scrabble. Some things you have to figure out for yourself. I enjoy that. I feel that the author respects me enough to trust me to see where she's going. To see the meaning-to see the inevitable end. And boy, that end?! I suspect it's going to raise some hackles out there! It didn't raise mine though: for me, it ended on a perfect note.

I loved this tale of small town life, the supernatural, and most of all: the people. The characters here came alive and while none of them were perfect, they all came across as real to me and as such? I felt for them. Maybe you could let yourself feel for them too?

My highest recommendation!

Available February 22, but you can pre-order here: https://amzn.to/2Tj7VZO

*Thank you to S. P. Miskowski for providing a free e-ARC with no strings attached. I freely chose to read and review this book honestly.*
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1 vote
Charrlygirl | Mar 22, 2020 |
The last installment of the Skillute Cycle delivered more of the lovely prose I'm used to getting from S. P. Miskowski.

This novella elaborates on the story begun in the novel Knock Knock. A tale about small town life, its secrets, its rituals, and its inhabitants. It's good stuff.

I like the fact that women play a strong role here too -it put me in mind of Thomas Tryon's Harvest Home-a book I have no qualms recommending, in addition to this one. However, for best results read Knock Knock before In the Light-to properly complete the Cycle.

I've read a few books from Omnium Gatherum now, and have been impressed with each of them. This one was no exception. The same holds true for S. P. Miskowski´s work and I'm excited to see what she does next!

Recommended for fans of quieter, literary horror.

I was provided a free copy of this novella in exchange for an honest review. This is it.
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Charrlygirl | 1 other review | Mar 22, 2020 |



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