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Hannah Lynn (2) (1984–)

Author of Athena's Child

For other authors named Hannah Lynn, see the disambiguation page.

Hannah Lynn (2) has been aliased into H.M. Lynn.

26 Works 376 Members 17 Reviews


Works by Hannah Lynn

Works have been aliased into H.M. Lynn.

Athena's Child (2020) 131 copies
A Spartan's Sorrow (2021) 67 copies
Queens of Themiscyra (2022) 53 copies
Erotic Fiction? (2020) 3 copies


Common Knowledge

United Kingdom
Short biography
Born in 1984, Hannah grew up in the Cotswolds, UK. After graduating from university, she spent ten years as a teacher of physics, first in the UK and then around Asia. It was during this time, inspired by the imaginations of the young people she taught, she began writing short stories for children, and later adult fiction. Now as a teacher, writer, wife and mother, she is currently living in the Austrian Alps.

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LLonaVahine | 1 other review | May 22, 2024 |
Overshadowed by her sister, Helen of Troy, and the Trojan War, Clytemnestra's story was tragic, filled with betrayal, revenge, and bloodshed - the daughter of King Tyndareus of Sparta and Leda, and the sister of the beautiful Helen. While her first marriage ended in the murder of her husband and son, her second marriage to Agamemnon, the king of Mycenae, was tumultuous.

When Agamemnon sacrifices their eldest daughter, Iphigenia, to appease the Goddess Artemis for a slight he has done, Clytemnestra takes her daughter's body back, vows revenge against her husband, and returns home refusing to allow her children from her sight.

Clytemnestra's resentment towards Agamemnon only grows when he returns from the Trojan War with his concubine, Cassandra, by his side. Consumed by rage and a thirst for vengeance, she plots with her lover, Aegisthus, to kill Agamemnon upon his return. Together, they murder the king in his bath, fulfilling the prophecy that Clytemnestra's son, Orestes, would avenge his father's death.

Orestes, guided by the god Apollo, ultimately does carry out his revenge, killing both his mother and Aegisthus to avenge his father's death. However, the act leaves Orestes tormented by guilt and pursued by the Furies, driving him to madness until he is finally absolved of his crimes in the court of Athena in Athens.

Clytemnestra's story is a cautionary tale of the consequences of betrayal, revenge, and violence, showing the destructive power of unchecked emotions and the cyclical nature of bloodshed within Greek tragedies.

Hannah Lynn has weaved a captivating tale of a woman often overshadowed by her sister in mythology - a tale of betrayal, revenge, and actions leading to her demise. Ms Lynn's unique ability to draw in her readers with her vivid descriptions and complex characters makes this retelling of Clytemnestra's myth a must-read for fans of Greek mythology.
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Revengelyne | 1 other review | Mar 20, 2024 |
I have been sitting on this review for almost a week trying to decide where to rate this last book in the trilogy. I loved the first two books in the series with the first being my favorite, but the third book - not so much.

I was never a fan of Theseus in Greek Mythology. I always found him to be arrogant and self-centered. He always seemed to think he was better than everyone else and boasted about his heroic deeds. Despite his bravery and skills as a warrior, I couldn't get past his egotistical nature.

I also found his treatment of women to be reprehensible. He abandoned Ariadne and Phaedra, two women who loved and supported him, without a second thought. His abduction of Hippolyte and his treatment of her as a trophy rather than an equal also left a sour taste in my mouth.

This was the daughter of Ares, God of War, owner of the zoster, whom she willingly gave to Heracles because he needed it for his twelve labours. She was the Queen of the Amazons, a woman who went to battle even against men.

She turned him down time after time and it seemed that Theseus does not like to talk NO for an answer. Any other good hero would have bowed his head in knowing defeat and moved on. Nope, he drugs her, abducts her from her world and when her sisters come to save her, she tells them she doesn't want to leave...that she knows he loves her in his way.

If this isn't a case of Stockholm Syndrome, I don't know what is.

While I love that Ms. Lynn is expanding on other myths outside the heavily saturated world of Hades and Persephone, this book was not my favorite. It may be due to that I found Theseus's character unbearable, arrogant, and selfish. I never liked him at all, which may be why I found this tale not to my taste.

I hope Ms. Lynn continues to dive further into the Greek and Roman world of myths and bring us tales that need retelling.
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Revengelyne | 1 other review | Mar 20, 2024 |




½ 3.7

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