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Works by Jo Ivester


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I read this book to learn about the journey of transgender individuals out of love for a family member. I understand that this was a family journey but I think I wanted to hear Jeremy’s voice more than Jo’s. I wanted to help my loved one on their journey, but other than listening, respecting what you hear and loving them. I did not take anything else away.
I still want to thank this family for sharing the experience of raising a transgender boy! Kudos for all the courage and resilience everyone displayed.… (more)
1 vote
rcarpent | 1 other review | Jan 8, 2021 |
Once a Girl, Always A Boy by Jo Ivestor is a wonderful memoir. In fact, this is the kind of memoir that keeps me reading them. There are transgender people in my life, and I suspect that most people know someone - even if they aren't aware of it. This memoir is personal and challenging and I would recommend that everyone read it.

What's unique about this book is the way that the family is represented through a variety of POVs. The most present voices are that of Jo Ivester (author and Mom) and Jeremy Ivester. Jeremy's siblings and his father have also contributed to this memoir and there's such a strong sense of family and love throughout the book.

It's so valuable to have a book that gives a perspective on what a family member transitioning means to everyone involved. Unquestionably this book is about Jeremy and all the things that he went through as he worked through discovering who he was and how he wanted to be for the rest of his life. But, it's also about Jeremy's family and how they supported him, were confused by his thoughts and feelings, and the effect of transition on them. I haven't read anything previously that explores the impact of gender so well and in such an intimate way.

I think that one of the most important things that I take away from this book is all the things I didn't think about. There are so many times during a life, during a year, during a day... that a person's gender comes up. There were things I hadn't even thought of that can really be such a shock to someone's system: growing and changing bodies, sports bras, sleepovers, shopping for school clothes, playing sports, hair cuts, weddings ... all these things happen constantly and are an ever-present reminder of gender.

The systems that we interact with almost daily often begin with gender... there were things that I hadn't even thought of. When you apply for a job you have to show ID, what if that ID doesn't have the same gender as the one you present? Passports? Educational institutions? Doctors? Prescriptions? Appointments? Some of these systems are difficult to navigate without the added emotion and stress of having ID that doesn't state the correct gender?

Maybe it was naive but I didn't even think about how difficult some of these everyday things (to me) could be for other people. That's because as a cisgender woman, I've never had to think about it.

This book touches on so many things: intergenerational understandings of masculinity and femininity, being left out, being bullied, hiding pain and emotions to fit in, politics... life. There are so many milestones passed in this book and I feel honored to have been allowed to read about this family.
… (more)
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KinzieThings | 1 other review | Jun 16, 2020 |
What a perfectly wonderful book! I just want MORE! This was only two years but I was wishing that the story had continued with the move to Maimi---what happened there? And Ivester mentions that her sister Connie, wanted her to write about her adoption and there is only a brief mention of that in this book. As I am currently trying to get more information from my elderly mother right now I realize how hard it is as the years go by to remember things. It's wonderful that Aura wrote so many journals but when you're digging into the past there is almost never enough. Aura, surprising herself, really was an amazing early civil rights force and what a reward to have Jo go back to Mound Bayou 40 years later for an Epilogue.… (more)
nyiper | Apr 15, 2016 |




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