David Hume (disambiguation)

"David Hume" is composed of at least 9 distinct authors, divided by their works.

About the Author

Author Division

David Hume (1)

A Treatise of Human Nature (1739) 2,877 copies
Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion (1779) — Author — 2,030 copies
English Essays: From Sir Philip Sidney to Macaulay (1909) — Contributor — 482 copies
The English Philosophers from Bacon to Mill (1939) — Contributor — 472 copies
Critical Theory Since Plato (1971) — Contributor, some editions — 401 copies
Eight Great Tragedies (1957) — Contributor, some editions — 390 copies
Britannica Great Books: Locke, Berkeley, Hume (1689) — Contributor — 370 copies
On Suicide (2005) 216 copies
Western Philosophy: An Anthology (1996) — Author, some editions — 190 copies
Atheism: A Reader (2000) — Contributor — 184 copies
Man and Spirit: The Speculative Philosophers (1947) — Contributor — 173 copies
Hume Selections (1927) 145 copies
Applied Ethics (1986) — Contributor — 122 copies
Hume: Political Essays (1953) 120 copies
Metaphysics: A Guide and Anthology (2004) — Contributor — 74 copies
God (Hackett Readings in Philosophy) (1996) — Contributor, some editions — 60 copies
The Range of Philosophy: Introductory Readings (1964) — Contributor — 54 copies
Hume on Religion (1963) 52 copies
Classics of Modern Political Theory : Machiavelli to Mill (1996) — Contributor — 49 copies
Political Writings (1994) 48 copies
Moral Philosophy (2006) 41 copies
Writings on Economics (1955) 37 copies
The essential David Hume (1969) 34 copies
Essays (1963) 34 copies
Philosophy now : an introductory reader (1972) — Contributor — 25 copies
Classic Essays in English (1961) — Contributor — 22 copies
L'entendement (1995) 19 copies
Del conocimiento (1984) 17 copies
New Letters of David Hume (1954) 16 copies
Hume (1996) 14 copies
La morale (1997) 14 copies
My Own Life (1997) 13 copies
Obras econômicas (1996) 13 copies
The letters of David Hume (1983) 11 copies
David Hume: 21 Works (2014) 11 copies
De uitgelezen Hume (2004) 11 copies
Reading Philosophy of Religion (2010) — Contributor — 10 copies
La regola del gusto (1946) 10 copies
Reading Ethics (Reading Philosophy) (2008) — Contributor — 10 copies
Four dissertations (1757) 10 copies
Hume - Os Pensadores (2005) 9 copies
Hume vida e obra (2000) 8 copies
Essais esthétiques (2000) 7 copies
Etiske skrifter (1993) 6 copies
Erkenntnis und Sein I Epistemologie. (1978) — Contributor — 5 copies
Ma vie (2000) 5 copies
Din üstüne (2013) 5 copies
Discorsi politici (1959) 5 copies
Political Discourses (2009) 4 copies
De mi propia vida (2014) 4 copies
Natura umana e conoscenza (1984) 3 copies
Of Tragedy (1990) 3 copies
Well-temper'd Eloquence (1996) 3 copies
David Hume (2017) 3 copies
The David Hume Collection (2014) 3 copies
Hume: Theory of Politics (1951) 3 copies
Opere (1971) 3 copies
Works of David Hume (2008) 2 copies
Wijsgerige teksten over de wereld (1964) — Contributor — 2 copies
David Hume (2014) 2 copies
Hume on Religion (1964) 2 copies
A proposito di Rousseau (2017) 2 copies
Hume (2000) 2 copies
Of the Original Contract (2016) 2 copies
Scritti morali (1970) 2 copies
Du commerce et du luxe (2005) 1 copy
Politik og æstetik (2000) 1 copy
Of Money (2011) 1 copy
Lettere 1 copy
Of essay writing (1990) 1 copy
Obras sobre Religião (2005) 1 copy
Eseje pozostałe (2020) 1 copy
Translation (1991) 1 copy
Obras 1 copy
On Religion 1 copy

David Hume (unknown)

The Lime Pit (1980) — Photographer, some editions — 85 copies
O práve a politike (2008) 1 copy
The Essential Philosophical Works — Author — 1 copy
Escritos epistolares (1998) 1 copy

Common Knowledge

Disambiguation notice
1. David Hume. (26.4.1711 - 25.8.1776). Historian and Philosopher. Author of, among other works, A Treatise of Human Nature (1739); Essays Moral and Political (1744).
2. David Hume pseudonym [John Victor Turner]. (1900 - 1945). Novelist.
3. David Hume of Godscroft. (1558 - 1629). Historian and political theorist. Author of A History of the House of Douglas and Angus.
4. David Hume. (1964—). Author of For Ulster and Her Freedom.
5. David Hume
. (1955—). Author of Marquetry.
6. David Hume [Baron Hume]. 1757-1838 Nephew of 1. Holder of the Chair of Scots Law at the University of Edinburgh (1786) and author of Decisions of the Court of Session 1781-1822.
7. David Hume [David L. Hume]. Australian independent scholar of culture.
8. David Hume. Australian Barrister. Co-author if Human Rights Under the Australian Constitution
9. Hume Group (a publishing company, one name, a Firm) - Successful Investing and Money Management