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Anne Griffin (1) (1969–)

Author of When All Is Said

For other authors named Anne Griffin, see the disambiguation page.

3 Works 723 Members 34 Reviews

Works by Anne Griffin

When All Is Said (2019) 653 copies
Listening Still (2021) 63 copies
The Island of Longing (2023) 7 copies


Common Knowledge

Dublin, Ireland
Short biography
I was born in Dublin in 1969. I received a BA History from UCD. Over the following eight years, I worked for Waterstones in Dublin and London. I left the bookselling trade to undertake a Post Graduate Diploma in Community and Youth Work in Maynooth University. I have worked with various charities over the last twenty years including Women’s Aid, Youth Work Ireland and the Dyslexia Association of Ireland.

I began writing in 2013, and in 2015 undertook an MA in Creative Writing in UCD studying under James Ryan, Éilis Ní Dhuibhne, Frank McGuinness, Lia Mills, Paul Perry and Anne Enright. -- www.annegriffinwriter.com



Actually, I abandoned this at page 70. I'd loved Griffin's When All is Said, but this was entirely different. A cosy two generation family with an undertaking business, two of whom can talk to the dead briefly, before they totally expire? Just .... nah
Margaret09 | 3 other reviews | Apr 15, 2024 |
Maurice Hanigan, now widowed, and aged 84, sits in a bar and raises a toast, one by one, to the most influential people in his life. We learn about his life, from his spectacularly unsuccessful school career, to his spectacularly successful career as an entrepreneur. We grow to hear about his complicated relationship with the family that first employed him while he was still at school, the Dollards. And his complicated relationship with a unique Edward VIII sovereign, which belonged to the Dollards, and which Maurice - er - found. It has a legacy, and bears a curse. This is an engaging, compassionate man, who's well aware of his failings and of the stereotypes he lives up to. Each toast, each story is a stand-alone which weaves together into a narrative of the life of a man both wily and mean, loving and grudging for whom in the end, I felt a great deal of understanding.… (more)
Margaret09 | 29 other reviews | Apr 15, 2024 |
Maurice spends an evening in a specific bar in an Irish village drinking a toast to five important people in his life. The "audience" for the toasts is his son who lives in America. In the course of the toasts, Maurice tells the complicated story of his life.
It was very engaging. It took a bit to get oriented to what was happening, but once I understood, I was all in. There are lots of foreshadowing clues but still I wasn't sure of the end until it happened.
tboonstra | 29 other reviews | Mar 9, 2024 |
Now in his eighties, Maurice sits a bar at a grand hotel, thinking about his life. He toasts the five people who meant the most to him. He is alone and lonely, having lost his wife two years ago. He is ready to take that next step, but before he does, he wants to tell you his story. This poignant tale of his life is certainly sad in places, yet hopeful in others. He talks about his growing up years, recalls how he met his wife, tells of his love for his family and for his son, discloses his regrets, and even admits to a long held secret that affected the lives of others. Author Anne Griffin does an excellent job of portraying this curmudgeonly elderly Irish man, and makes him a strong yet sympathetic character. It’s a beautifully told tale, and one that will resonate with readers of all ages.… (more)
Maydacat | 29 other reviews | Mar 3, 2024 |



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