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Gerald Gillis

Author of Shall Never See So Much

4 Works 11 Members 1 Review

Works by Gerald Gillis


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I was unsure what to expect when I agreed to review “Dare Not Blink” by author Gerald Gillis. I’ve read my share of “fictional” Wall Street/business books, and while the ones I’ve read have been decent reads, this genre isn’t really my first choice when trying to kick back and relax with a good book. However, “Dare Not Blink” also dealt with engineering, which I like, so I agreed to review it. I’m glad I did as “Dare Not Blink” turned out to be a fast-paced, well-written and extremely interesting tale.

In “Dare Not Blink,” Langdon Ellerbee, chairman and founder of Ellerbee Engineering, has just passed away due to a very quick spreading and malignant cancer. Ellerbee Engineering, a multi-million dollar corporation is now leaderless. Who will fill the enormous shoes that Ellerbee has left behind?

Jeff Wylie, current company president, had kept Ellerbee’s illness secret because he seeks to exploit this unfortunate situation to its fullest. Jeff is willing to use bribery, intimidation or any other means necessary to ensure his lofty goal of running Ellerbee Engineering. In Jeff’s world, money is power and power is money. His only desire is to secure more of the same.

Then there is Dave Paige. He believes in following the same path of honor and integrity that Ellerbee had set in place for the company and its numerous employees. To Dave, money should be the reward of a job done correctly and with integrity. Per Ellerbee’s backing, Dave had already been nominated, and accepted, as the executive vice president. All that remained was the formal board meeting that would make it official. However, with Ellerbee gone, Dave discovers that his job, and his future with the company, is no longer certain.

What follows throughout the pages of “Dare Not Blink” is a battle of epic proportions. Can Dave survive the adversity and come out on top, while still keeping Ellerbee’s business legacy intact?

In summary, “Dare Not Blink” was an amazing read; fictional, but very realistic in today’s day and age. A “must read” for anyone who enjoys the world of corporate intrigue. Five stars…
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Charline_Ratcliff | Nov 11, 2013 |


